feelings go ... right ?!?

695 22 2

ray p.o.v-

I have to tell y/n how I feel and about Brianna.

me- can I talk to y/n alone ?

everybody - sure

*walks out*

me- y/n I'm so sorry !!!

y/n- why ?

me- Brianna ... she is pregnant.

y/n- (fake smiles) it's cool .. im just glad you found out the truth

me- ummm y/n look I feel stupid because this whole time I didn't recognize that ... (gco)

*door opens*

??- omg are you ok

y/n- jaden ?!? where have you been

jaden- I had some stuff to do but I'm more worried about you right now .. what happened

y/n- I honestly can't remember but... (gco)

me- (clears throat while staring at jaden)

jaden- bruh is there something wrong with you

this nigga just tried me. he gonna walk his wanna be thug @$$ in here and interrupt me oh he is gonna get it ray ray style

me- no but something gonna be wrong with you if you don't get out of here

y/n - RAY !!!

me- what ?

jaden- look I'm gonna see you later at your house ok

y/n - please no

me- (mumbles) please go

jaden - *walks out*

y/n-  really ray ? that was rude

me- he interrupted me that was rude

y/n-  I want to see Kaitlyn, ty, and heaven now

me- whatever.   *stomps out*

y/n - *rolls eyes and watch girls come in*

ty- what's wrong with ray ?

y/n- girl I don't know he acting stupid .. oh yea and Brianna is pregnant

Kaitlyn- no wonder she was aggravating us about pickles and peanut butter

y/n - ewwwww

heaven- I know right but wait ! I saw jaden

y/n - *smiles hard* yea he came to visit me

ty- what about ray?!?

y/n - feelings go right ?!?

what do you guys think ?!? is Rachael and taliah making a plot to steal heaven and katelyn's man. is y/n going to remember what happened ? what about y/n's parents ... what's going on with themso many questions but you'll figure out if you just comment and vote . love you guys

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