let the silence stay ....

713 19 10

prod p.o.v-

so remember I said I met this girl. well let's take a flashback ....

about a week ago.

I was really hungry so I decided to go to golden coral. this waitress led me to my table but there was a girl already there. she was beautiful . she was light skinned with dark brown hair that at the time was curly. she was so beautiful ! so I sat down with her and told the waitress it was alright. we started talking and now here we are talking and laughing over my house. her name is ty.

me- (staring at her)

ty- like what you see

me- no not really


me- I love what I see .. and I want to see that beautiful smile

ty- (blushes hard)

me- look I know that we .... (gco)

long lost love (mindless behavior ray ray)Where stories live. Discover now