if she only knew....

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holy molly doughnut shop .. this boy is sexy lol

him-so... what's your name beautiful

me- umm y/n... what's yours

him- jaden Smith

me-oh the famous one

jaden-yea (chuckling)

me- well you wanna come over my house mindless behavior is there

jaden-sure what about your parents

me-umm well their umm out of town

jaden- so your parents are famous


so on our way to my house I told him about my parents and all and who I loved and he seemed interested I walk into my house and saw that the ugly girl wasn't there so...

me-where did the ugly duckling go Ray

Ray- I'm looking at her now

everybody except me- (laughing)

me - Betta be funny... anyway this is jaden you guys.  I met him at the park

Prince- you the one that did never say never with Justin

jaden-yea that's me

prod - that's my jam (singing) never say never

me- SHUT UP !

prod- salty much

me- anyway you guys want to watch a movie

roc- naww

jaden- how about skating

everybody- yea

me- we gotta come back by nine because the baby over there has a bed time right Ray

Ray- your very funny let's go

jaden p.o.v-

I'm only here because I have a job to do don't get me wrong she is beautiful but I gotta get paid some other way except for music and acting. here is some info : I'm 17 I know that you know my family but there is just one addition you didn't know about my cousin Brianna. but I have to continue my job. nobody knows about Brianna being my cousin and I hope and pray nobody ever will. they say what goes on in the dark comes to the light but that light bulb needs to break uh something but back on y/n I'm scared for her .. (sighs) if she only knew ..

what is going on?

what is jaden's job ?

Does Brianna have something to do with it ?

find out in the next chapter ...

sorry it's short but please read on...

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