universal attitude ! (FIGHT)

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at the mall -

heaven's p.o.v -

hmmm I wonder what roc is doing? is he thinking bout me? why is this Brianna girl so stuck up? oooh snap ! I got a p.o.v ...... HOLD UP IS THAT FOOT LOCKER !

author- ummmm do y'all wonder what's going on in katelyn head ? I do let's go ...(Lmao)

katelyn p.o.v -

the afro curls the sexiness ... the personality is OMG . thinking bout Princeton makes me happy , not that I'm not happy I am it's just that this Brianna girl keeps stepping on the back of my new Jordan's and any minute now imma say sum !

author- oooooooh you got Jordan's ! ....... wait I'm off track

y/n p.o.v -

Brianna gets on my nerves but I love Ray. today isn't so bad besides Brianna is here.... oooooooh I hate her ... wait no ! I dislike her very deeply (trying to stay Christian) I'm so happy that I got two new bestfreind's .. hmmm I wonder if they like Brianna ?!? EWWWW I hope not !

Brianna's p.o.v -

Lmao I wonder what katelyn thinking? I told my dad to buy me those new Jordan's but he wouldn't get them so imma keep on stepping on the back of her shoe . we all started heading towards foot locker . I bothered katelyn so much and I want to bother someone else . I GOT IT ! let's go to heaven she looks the happiest and weakest . (no offense heaven it's just for the story)

nobody p.o.v -

Brianna went towards heaven and looked at the shoes she picked up .

Brianna- ewww don't wear that only the sexiest people could wear something like that

heaven- awww I'm so sorry

Brianna- (confused) what ?

heaven-that means you can't wear it then .

Brianna- (looking mad)

y/n & katelyn - (laughing hard)

Brianna- (goes up to katelyn) what the hell you laughing at

katelyn- if you don't get out my face ... (gco)

heaven- (coming over to katelyn)

*p.s - heaven is now next to katelyn and y/n is behind them*

Brianna- oh you want some to (looking at heaven)

y/n- (gets in front of heaven and katelyn) back out of my best friends face little girl

Brianna- awww look who trying to stand up for somebody

y/n - you ain't got nothing on me so shut up!

Brianna- oooooooh really I wasn't the one who got raped by they real dad ! then he left yo' ugly a$$

y/n - your very stupid (crying and running to the girls bathroom)

katelyn- you have some nerve to say that you stupid bi+(h !

Brianna- (laughing)

heaven- (getting mad) if you don't get your 99 cent weave gorilla looking a$$ away from me and my bestfreind's I will be your worst nightmare !

Brianna- OH I'm so scared ! ain't nobody scared of you and you(pointing at katelyn) and that other girl because ... (gco)

y/n - (went up to Brianna and punched her square in the nose) STUPID BI+(h !

Brianna- OMG I'm bleeding !

katelyn- awwww guess what ?

Brianna- what ?

heaven& katelyn- NOBODY CARES !

y/n p.o.v -

I couldn't just leave her there so I dragged her by her weave and put her in the car ..I never knew it was weave .. but like I said I dragged her in the car of course with the help of my besties heaven and katelyn ! I can't believe she told my secret . but I've been lieing and I think I need to tell the truth .. you see Brianna was .....


what was Brianna ?

do you think heaven and katelyn are true friends ?

how do you like the story ?

should I continue ?

tell me how you feel guys ! and don't forget to vote and comment !

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