23. Eternally Yours

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Title credits: Eternally Yours by Motionless in White


•Vic pov•

Over the last ten months if there's one thing I learned about Kellin, and I learned a lot about him, but it's that he's misunderstood. He's actually a very sensitive person and just hides it with a hard and tough persona. People are quick to judge him, I've noticed. Some either don't take him seriously or that they assume he's stupid. And he's not he's a very smart person.

The acting out in school was all an act, an act to get attention from adults. It was like a silent cry for help in a way. He never got attention that from his father, well it was attention but is was abuse. So not good attention. I realized all of this after getting to know him. He doesn't act out any more in school, he does everything he has to do and is like a straight A student.

So there's one thing I've been meaning to do for a while now.


•Kellin pov•

Today is the day of graduation. I can't believe that I'm going to be graduating high school. As happy as I am to be out of this place, I think I'll miss it in a way. I don't really have any idea of what I'm going to to now. I'll probably get a job and continue to live with Vic. Cause let's be honest I don't have anywhere else to live.

I'm still annoyed and upset about my friends leaving me last week. They haven't talked to me at all since if I even go near them they'll go the other way. It hurts cause I really thought that they were my friends and I could trust them with anything. Guess not. I'm getting ready for today, Vic is going to be the only one there for me. No, wait I forgot Mike is coming too. I'm in the shower trying to stay positive. While Vic is cooking me a special breakfast. I told him not to but he insisted and since I'm not in the kitchen to stop him well I can't do anything about it now.

It wasn't until last week that I realized I forgot the only picture I loved from my childhood at home. I was in such a rush to get out of the house that I completely forgot it. It was a picture of me and my mother even dad was in it, but it was when I was about ten years old and we went to Disney world for the first time. It was the first and last trip I was on with my mother and in general. Cause she died four years after that. And we didn't really have the money to go before that. It was before the divorce, that happened the year after. We were so happy, dad loved me then. When they got divorced I lived with my mom. But when she died I had to live with dad. The physical abuse didn't start until I was about fifteen. The first year he just ignored me being around the house, he also drank every night looking at a photo of mom. But then one night he came home drunk and blamed me for them getting divorced and her dying and that's when he started punching and kicking me, almost regularly.

I'm done with my shower now I get out dress and head down to the kitchen to see Vic serving Mike some pancakes. Vic spots me and now he puts a couple on a plate for me and I sit down. Vic sits beside me and kisses me on the cheek. I smile at him and continue eating. These pancakes are so good. But now Vic's making me change and get into a nice shirt and he ties the tie for me. Then I put the graduation gown on I hold the cap, and Vic takes a few quick pictures of us in his room. I let him cause I know is special for us.

We get into Vic's car and he drives us to where the graduation is being held. Apparently it's not at school. After a quick drive we arrive and I see the sea of blue and white gowns going inside. I'm all by myself in this. I saw my "friends" all talking to each other, I felt a pang of jealousy and sadness inside me

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