22. The Hunger

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Title credits: The Hunger by Of Mice & Men


•Kellin pov•

It's been a few weeks since final prep started in school and now it's time to take the finals. Vic's is first. Than algebra, chemistry and finally history, and I think I have one in Spanish? I'm not sure anymore. I'm so over school and I just want it done with. So I can spend the summer with Vic and that's it.

Ever since I mentioned to Matty a few weeks ago that I have a boyfriend my friends have been nonstop bugging me about it, wanting me to tell them about him. I told them that we've been together since October, and that we wanted to keep it secret. Which really isn't a lie. But they want to know his name, what he looks like and all that. But I ignore those questions. And it's been pissing them off that I ignore the questions. But what are they going to do, force it out if me? No, they wouldn't do that. They're my friends. But I have asked Vic, and all he told me was that if I trust them not to tell anyone then I can, cause he told his.

So I've thought about it, and I think it's time I tell them, but in a private setting, that's not school. I have to take Vic's English final today so I have to get ready to take that. I'll ask them at lunch if we could all hang out so I can tell them. After today we have one more day left of school. Then it's graduation and I'm free of this place forever.

Vic places the test on my desk as he did with the rest of the class, and then he tells us to start. So I do. Going through it slowly so I don't mess up. But these are easy. It's all about the books we read. The multiple choice is anyway. I still That to write an essay on one of the stories. Vic picked good books for us like The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird and The Catcher in the Rye. I don't know which one I'm going to write about. Is it cheating if Vic read the stories to me then we watched the movie? I don't think so. I still technically read the book right? It would be cheating if he told me what was going to be on a quiz or test which he never did.

But now I'm up to the writing portion and I think I'm going to write about The Great Gatsby, it was the one I enjoyed the most. Plus it stands out cause Vic kept role playing it and going a really bad accent which I think was supposed to be from New York, since that's where the story was set, but I could be wrong. Anyway I finally finish writing the essay and now I can relax. And worry about my next final. We hand them in and the bell rings I walk with Austin to my next class we meet up with Justin, while Taylor goes off to her next class.

Now that it's lunchtime I can finally relax for a period, it was nonstop tests for the last four periods and I can ask them my question.

"Hey guys can I ask you something?" I say.

"Sure" Justin answers.

"Well there's something I have to tell you guys but can we meet up after school?" I ask.

"Dude just tell us now" Taylor says.

"I can't, I really want to not be at school when I tell you" I add.

"Alright, we'll go down to the skatepark and you can tell us there" Austin suggests.

"Ok thanks Austin" then I get back to eating my lunch.

I text Vic that I'm going to the skatepark to tell them after school. So that he's not wondering and waiting for me. I always let him know, if I'm not going home with him or if I'm going with friends. He texts me back saying ok and good luck, with a smiley face. He's so cute. 

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