9. I'm Not Okay (I Promise)

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Title credits: I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance


•Vic pov•

We arrive at my place and I grab his bag and we walk up to the front door and I let him in. He goes right to the couch and curls up. Definitely something's happened and it's affecting him this much. I don't know what though, not unless he tell me what happened. I put his bag down next to him and I carefully sit down next to him. He leans on me and cries. I wrap my arms protectively around him and I start to rub his back. He didn't flinch or anything so that's a good sign.

I hear him taking deep breaths. I guess he's trying to calm down. Good, then maybe he could tell me what's going on. This is the first time I'm seeing him in a week and this isn't what I expected.

"Um-I'm sorry Vic" he mumbles.

"Don't worry, you have nothing to be sorry for" I tell him. He just nods. And stays laying his head on my chest and my arms are still around him. There's a few minutes of silence.

"Uh, Kels, if it's not to much to ask what happened" I ask.

He sits up and looks at me then to the floor and he's playing with the rip in his jeans.

"Uh" He says. I sigh. I reach out to him again, he takes my hand, and I rub his knuckles.

"Alright I get it, but I want want to let you know that this morning I talked with your friends, Austin and Taylor, ok, and they told me about what your father does to you, is it true that he hits you and stuff like that"

"You know" he says quietly. I nod at him.

"I want to help you Kels, but need to know what he did this time, and doesn't seem like he just hit you, it seems like more just by your general behavior"

I see tears in his eyes again. I reach up and wipe them with my other hand.

"It's ok Kellin, you can trust me, I wouldn't hurt you, and I'm not letting you go back, I can't, please"

He takes a deep breath and looks around. Then his eyes land on me. We make eye contact and I smile at him, to let him know I'm listening when he's ready.

"Ok well, m-my father was really m-mad at m-me for being home four m-minutes late. And then he b-beat me. But I accidentally said shut up and he d-didn't like it so he. . . he. . ." He pauses, I see the tears come down his face, this can't he good.

". . . he raped me" he started crying again. I reached out to hold him. He leans on me and I rub his back again.

"Oh Kellin that's horrible, how could any parent do that, it's just sick I'm so sorry" I say.

I feel rage boiling in me, but I have to stay cool and calm for Kellin. He needs me here with him.

"Ve-Vic?" He says.

"Yes darling" I answer.

"C-can I stay here, I d-don't want to g-go home" He asks.

"Of course you can stay, I would never let you go back to that, never" I say continuing to hold him, wrapped in my embrace where I know he's safe.

"Thank you" He says quietly.

"No worries Kels" and I give him a kiss on the top of his head. There's a few minutes of silence.

"Want to watch a movie?" I ask braking the silence. He just nods as I turn on the tv and flip through the channels to see what movies are on.

I found one of my favorites on called Moonrise Kingdom. So I leave that on while Kellin's still cuddled close to me. It's going to me a nice quiet night for us, he's gone through so much I don't want to push him into doing anything. But what happened to him can't be dismissed. It's incredibly sickening to think that his own father did that to him. I can't imagine what that must be like. Hell. That's probably close enough.

We finish the movie, when I notice that he fell asleep, I don't blame him he must be exhausted, and who knows how much sleep he got once that happened he was probably not able always worried when his father would come home. That sucks, poor baby.

I pick him up and carry him to my bedroom, which we'll share for now. I lay him down and take off his shoes and pull the blankets over him while I put in my pajamas and get him beside him. I know it's early, but who cares I could always go for extra sleep. I wrap him in my arms and I have to try not to think. I'm not all that tired but I just don't want him to be alone, after being in his home for a week by himself.

I close my eyes and try to relax. It's the only way I can try and sleep. Until I hear Kellin whimper in his sleep. I pull him closer to me to try and make him feel safe and secure. He stops then it starts again. I give a light squeeze to him and he stops once again. I eventually fall asleep.


Hope you all enjoyed and please check out my new story. Please? Anyway stay awesome and keep reading =)

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