12. Fashionably Late

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Title credits: Fashionably Late by Falling in Reverse


•Vic pov•

I wake up with a smile remembering what happened last night. I look next to me seeing Kellin asleep and happy. He has a smile too. He's just so adorable it's unbelievable. I carefully get up and go to the bathroom. Suddenly I hear my phone ring. Fuck I left next to the bed. I rush over to get it before it wakes up Kellin. I grab it and go back to the bathroom. Ugh, what does Mike want.

"Hello" I say.

"Hey bro" he says

"Hey Mike what's up?" I ask trying to get to the point of him calling.

"Nothing, how are you?" He's asks. Ugh this is killing me.

"What do you want I'm trying to get ready here" I say getting annoyed.

"Geez, I was going to ask you if you wanted me to pick you up to go to work. If your in a mood I don't want to be around you" he says.

"I appreciate the thought Mike, but I'm going to be staying late tonight to catch up on some grading and all that. I wouldn't want you to be held back for that" I totally lie. I just can't have him know Kellin's here.

"Well alright then, bye"

"Bye" and I hang up the phone and go back to the bed.

I see Kellin still laying there, he seems to be asleep, I'll have to wake him up. I smirk and walk over to the bed I lean down and kiss him. Nothing. Let's try that again. Still nothing. Ok then.

"I didn't wanna have to do this Kellin, but you leave me no choice" I say, I guess to myself since he's sleeping.

I take the blankets covering him and pull them off of him. That's when I realize he's still has no clothes on. Now I see him stir, damn that's hot.

"Morning sunshine" he say happily.

"Asshole" he mutters.

"I love you to sweetie" he giggles at my comment. "Come on I have to be at school and so do you" I say.

I picks up his clothes and quickly puts on his boxers and goes into the bathroom. I go down into the kitchen and prepare a bowl of cereal for myself. I leave everything out for Kellin. I hear him coming in and he sits on the bar stool next to me, he prepares cereal for himself and we eat in a comfortable silence. After that we get into my car and I drop him off a block away from the school and he walks the rest of the way. I get into the classroom and wait for the class to show up.

Once the bell rings I see the class filter in through the door and take their seats. However three seats are still empty, I know whose they are, and I definitely know Kellin's here, I drove him here. So I start my lesson anyway. What other choice do I have. I begin, and I know not one person in this room gives two fucks about what I'm saying. Even Kellin, I would always catch him daydreaming, cause he's staring at me. But I pretend to not notice. Suddenly the door opens and there they are. Kellin, Austin and Taylor walk in.

"I don't want to hear excuses on why your ten minutes late to my class, the three of you detention later, now take your seats and be quiet" I say sternly.


It's now my lunch period off and I'm sitting with Mike to catch up on things. It's been a while since I just hung out with my brother. I've been so consumed with Kellin and keeping that a secret. Mike and I are having a interesting conversation, he's telling me how he's going to ask out Tony. It's so adorable to know these things only I wish I could tell him about Kellin. I've been planning a special date to ask Kellin to be my boyfriend, we've spent over two months together now and it's like we already are, but never made it official or anything.

". . . I'm probably going to, then we'll—" Mike stopped talking.

Knock, knock

Then the door opened and to reveal Kellin, oh no, why is he here now, not when I'm with Mike. He's probably come to tell me why he's was late earlier not good timing Kels.

"Mr. Quinn what are you doing here?" I ask being professional.

"Sorry Vic, I didn't know you had someone here, I'll just go, see ya" he says anxiously.

"Kellin you know to call me Mr Fuentes, I'm your teacher" I say.

"Sorry" then he leaves closing the door.

"What was that about?" I hear Mike ask.

"Oh, nothing I was just tutoring him, he was falling behind, with being absent so long" I say.

"Oh" he says. "I wouldn't know, he's never in my class, and why does he call you Vic?" He asks me.

"Cause he's trying to be a smart ass" I retort.

"So Vic, any special men for you yet?" He asks me, no pushing it any further.

"What?" I say shocked.

"Ya know, boyfriend or anything, cause I know someone who—"

"No thanks Mike" I say cutting him off.

"No, I think you need someone, I think I'll help you out" He says. 

"Michael I'm more than capable of getting one on my own thank you, just drop the topic" I say annoyed

"What ever you say Vic" he says and I leave my own classroom, I'm too annoyed with him right now.

I take out my phone and text Kellin I have to tell him that we need to be even more low key then before. Well this is going to end well.


•Mike pov•

Somethings going on with Vic I can feel it. He was getting defensive that's unusual, but that also means he's lying or keeping something a secret. I'm going to find out what.

Something else that's fishy is why would Kellin Quinn come in here during his lunch period. That's definitely not like Mr. Quinn to want to see a teacher when he doesn't have to. I know he was "supposed to be" in my gym class the last couple years. So I kinda know him. And something with the way they were talking doesn't seem, what's the word, anyway, and Vic saying that he's tutoring him doesn't make sense, Kellin's a bright kid, and I've seen his grades there good, yes he has a lot of absences but doesn't mean anything thing. Ok it does, I have some investigating to do.

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