The Originals

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New Orleans

Grace sighed as she downed whatever the hell was in her glass, she glanced around the well lit establishment and smiled at the memories that came before her.

"Third time in here this week."

Grace turned around to the sound of a voice and smiled at the familiar face.

"I'm obsessed with the gumbo, Jane-Anne"

The woman now named as Jane-Anne smirked back at Grace.

"You know, ladies in the 9th ward say my sister, Sophie, bleeds a piece of her soul into every dish."

Grace laughed and glanced down at her empty glass as her thoughts came back to her. Jane-Anne noticed this and frowned.

"What's wrong?"

Grace sighed and looked into Jane-Anne's eyes.

"I asked around the Quarter about my family."

Jane-Anne raised her eyebrows at Grace.


"Nothing. Zero. I can't find a single person who remembers them."

Jane-Anne put a hand on top of Grace's.

"You know that's because people like you.. They all ran out of here years ago."

Grace glanced back up at Jane-Anne.

"What do you mean people like me?"

Jane-Anne grabbed a map from behind the bar and set it in front of Grace.

"In the bayou, they call the werewolves "Roux-Ga-Roux". Jane-Anne circled a part of the map and Grace looked on curiously. "You head out there, you'll find what you're looking for. Be careful. It's the last place you'd ever want to go."

Grace hugged Jane-Anne and smiled at her as she took the map and left the bar.


I groaned as my phone rang incessantly.


"Alex? Is that you?"

My eyebrows furrowed as I took in the voice.

"Grace? What is it? What's wrong?"

"I need your help. It's about my family, our family. I think I have a lead but I need some help."

"Grace, you know I will help in anyway that I can, where are you?" I pulled away the curtains to see it was still quite late and I frowned as I noticed Klaus' car come up to the driveway.

"New Orleans."

I pulled back from the window as she told me.

"New Orleans? That's where your lead is?" I ran my hands through my hair.

"Yeah, why? What is it?"

"Let's just say, both Klaus and I have history there."

"You won't tell Klaus will you?"

I sighed.

"Of course not, I'll meet you as soon as I can" I heard the door open and I said goodbye to Grace before I hung up and Klaus strode in the room.

He took in my presence and smiled.

"You're awake."

I smiled back at him, I had to think quick what I was going to say to him.

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