The Sun Also Rises 2.

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Damon was pacing around the parlour drinking and thinking but stopped when he heard some movement coming from his room where Alex was sleeping. He blurred into his room, but hid in the shadows, watching the young man look at his Alex in such a way. The young man sat on the bed watching his sister stur from her dreams, his hand reached toward Alex's face, and brushed a curl from her eyes. He leaned down towards Alex's head but Damon pinned him up against the wall and showed his fangs and hissed at him, hand around the blonde mans neck but all of a sudden, the blonde boy's held in a ruggered breath and big bright white fangs hissed ferosiously, and out of nowhere he blured and pinned Damon up against the wall pushing his shoulders backwards making Damon groan. Damon looked up into the dark blue eyed boy and Damon's eyes widened in shock to see wavy black lines coming from the bottom of both the blonde boys eyes and red eyes, and white fangs, a growl riveled its way up into his throat, but was pinned to the wall by a furious brunette.

Alex was in her true vampire and hybrid form and the young boy stared at her not doing anything.

"Look, I have no idea who you are, but i suggest you get out of this house" Alex was a bit pissed from being woke up, crabby vampire. Damon rubbed his neck and stood next to Alex, with a scowl on his face.

"Aliee, it's me" The young blonde boy said breathlessly with a british accent like Klaus'. Alex froze. Damon looked between the two of them.

"You two no each other, who are you" Damon asked nodding his head to the blonde boy.


"Tomero, my big brother, but how? I thought Klaus killed you along with everyone else?" Alex asked puzzeled, but was glad her big brother was back.

"Aliee, I don't know, how i escaped I just did, but we have a problem"


"It wasn't just me, who escaped. Ackley did too"

"Shit"Alex frowned clearly curious but wondered. The blonde boy, now known as Tom or Tommy sighed. Damon decided to step in.

"Okay, one, who the hell is Ackley, two can somebody please exsplain to me what the hell is going on!?"

"I'm Tommy Alex's brother who the hell are you?" Tommy replied angrily.

"Tommie stop, this is Damon, he's kinda my boyfriend now, but that's besides the point, where is Ackley?"

" I don't know Allie, but he's very dangerous, i'm afraid to say he could be working for Niklaus I'm not sure." Tommy looked sadly down at his older sister.

"Oh, my god, i'll see if i can find him, and i'll ask Klaus"

"What?! Your still in contact with Klaus?! after everything he did to us Alex!" Tommie shook her shoulders roughly. Alex shoved his hands of her shoulders.

"I am not still in contact with him, he happens to have waults in Mystic Falls looking for his doppleganger who is Elena and not Katherine Tommie so don't kill her" Tommie sighed.

"Fine" Tommy responded.

"Listen i'm just gonna leave you two, to your bonding, but Alex, don't forget about the sacriface" Damon nodded at her.

"Alex that what I came here, for i can help you save your friends, other vampires good ones, they'll be gone once we have done out duty"

"What do you mean we?"

"You don't want me to leave?"Alex frowned.

"Of course not, your my big brother and I need you"

"Hey, remeber when we went to Mystic Falls first?" Alex looked up and smiled.

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