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Alex whipped her head around to Klaus. "Why the hell did you bring me here! I wanna go!" She tried to run past him but he grabbed her by the crook of the arm.

"I don't think so love, you're going to see what's in that house" Klaus looked down at her angrily.

"I already know what's in that house! My dead family! All because of you! You... you bastard!" Before Alex knew it she had tears slipping down her face and was batting her hands into Klaus' chest, but he seemed unfazed by it. Klaus grabbed her hands. "Stop crying" he commanded her but she didn't listen.

"Why! Why? What are you gonna do huh? Kill me, I'd gladly die in this house so c'mon let's go!" Alex speed walked humanly across the gravel. "C'mon what are you waiting for!" Klaus pinned her up against the porch wall. Alex had her vampire visage clearly seen and she was prepared to use it whenever she needed and Klaus had his hybrid visage to dominate her. "We are going in here, so I can tell you a story about your family"

"I already know- "

"Not, what I'm about to tell you" Klaus dragged her inside. When they stepped inside Klaus gave Alex a minute to have a flashback.


A small blue eyed blonde haired young girl came bouncing down the stairs. She was wearing a light red dress with white lacing and she was reading a book while she failed to notice a little boy about aged 10 around the corner of the hallway with blue eyes and curly blonde hair with a catapult heading straight at her head. His tongue out, one eye closed and he pulled the string back to his shoulder, 3 fingers, 2 fingers, 1 finger and "MUM! Tomero is aiming his catapult at Alitisha!"

"Tomero get here now!" His Tommy's mother shouted.

"But Mum!"

"NOW!" Tommy glared at the brown haired young boy a few ages older than him; the other boy smirked in return. He was wearing a light beige suit and tie. He never really liked Tommy.

"Oh thank you Ackley I do appreciate it, my little brother can be such a droon." Ackley had brown hair and dark green eyes he actually was adopted after Mrs Miracolo could not have any more children, and he stared at the blonde beauty only to see the other brown beauty to walk from the dining room to pat her sister on the head. "I do believe you mean drone sister" and she laughed.

"Oh shut up Alexandra she can say whatever she likes, I do not care" Ackley shouted at Alex. Alex was wearing a dark green dress with black lacing.

"Yes thank you Ackley" Alie nodded at Ackley and glared at her brown haired sister.

"Oh, well I'm older so I guess she can't" she laughed and left. As Alex walked across to the kitchen her father prodded in through the door way. He looked just like Alex brown hair curly and dark brown eyes.

"Now children I expect you to be on your best behaviour tonight because we have guest coming over."

"Who father?" Alex asked curiosity tingling in her veins.

"The Mickleson's daughter and Uncle George." Alex froze on the spot.

"What!" She demanded. "I will not be eating tonight Mother I would rather starve than be in the presence of Lord Niklaus" Viktor, the children's father walked over towards Alex.

"Now Alexandra I know you do not like Lord Niklaus but me and your mother have invited them, they would like to borrow some of our land and me and Mr Michelson are going to set up a proposition, so you're going to have to stay, besides what about Elijah? He's a charming young man is he not?."

"It's not him father, it's Niklaus he's foul, loathsome and I don't like him one bit" *Knock Knock*

"Ah that will be them, children act normal please, Tomero NO catapult at the dinner table" Tommy rounded the corner.

"But Father- "

"I said no and that it final, now go play with Ackley" he shoved his son in the right direction and opened the door and greeted the guests. Alex on the other hand scowled and ran into the garden.

*end flashback*

Alex forgot about Klaus for the time being and climbed the stairs into her old room. She opened the door carefully and peered inside she stepped a foot in a pushed the creaky door aside and looked around. There was a double bed in the middle with white and green sheets. Green had always been Alex's favourite colour. A window across the wall with beige curtains. A desk with a bookshelf at the end of the bed and a dark red chair and a lamp. She closed the door and moved to her Mom and Dad's room she opened the door slowly. And gasped at what she saw. Blooded curtains, blooded carpets, someone went on a rampage. Her parents body lay in the bed eyes wide open, staring straight through Alex's soul, she was a Daddy's little girl, closer with him than anyone her mother she never really got on with, but doesn't mean she doesn't love her. She caressed his cheek.

"I miss you Daddy" She whispered and her tears soaked his hair.

"Viktor is not your Father." Alex whipped around to see Klaus staring at her intensely.

"What do you mean he's not my Father, he is I even look like him, how can you explain that!" Tears falling down her face.

"I heard Emilyiah and George talking to each other, he's your real Father, your Mother was unfaithful to Viktor, your just like me, George was a werewolf which means it passed onto you and I brang you hear to make you into a hybrid Alexandra." Alex's heart froze and eyes wide.

"NO!" I am not drinking human blood, I'm not killing anyone! I never have a never will Klaus! Anyana helped me when I first transitioned I didn't have to drink human blood so I drank from a deer, but I drink from blood bags." Alex explained to him. Klaus walked out only to bring a young man about 19, a virgin and AB positive, Klaus had planned this. Alex stepped back.

"Which concludes my theory, you drink from Reid here and you'll become a hybrid but I warn you it will be very painful"

"NO! KLAUS! Get him away from me." She stepped away from her parents and backtracked to the window, Klaus and Reid walked at the same speed inching closer to Alex. Alex fully recognise him, it was Reid Charles, sincere playboy from a club she met him, gorgeous blonde hair with green eyes. Klaus growled and ripped into Reid's neck causing him to let out a blood gurgling scream. Blood splat out onto her parents bed and on the floor. Klaus pushed him violently into Alex and she caught him and stared wide eyed at the wound, and then at Klaus who was in hybrid form. (A.N y'know where he has vampire and werewolf fangs and red eyes, just saying).

"Klaus don't make me do this" Alex spoke quietly, once she fed from him, it would be all over.

"You have to, to finish you're transition of becoming a hybrid at the sacrifice love then we can live fall all eternity, drink Alexandra, otherwise I will make you"

She couldn't take it anymore, Alex ripped into the man's neck and grabbed his head angling it to the perfect position and drank from him hungrily, and they both fell to the floor. Klaus just stared at them and then smirked at how ripper like Alex was being. She sucked on a dry vein and whimpered needing more, she banged his head on the ground after there was no blood left in him and stood up. Alex looked up at Klaus.

"You better know what you're doing, because you won't be able to dominate me now I wanna go Klaus." Klaus just grinned in return.

"And so we shall love"

Thanks for reading, I'm not sure if the way I made Alex a vampire is actually allowed to happen, but it is in my story! :)

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