The King's Arrival

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I really did hate needle work, I always poked my fingers and I was god awful at it. I was seated between my two sisters, Arya and Sansa. Sansa was good at sowing and was always praised by our septa. Arya, much like me, was not good at it. As the Septa once again was pointing out Sansa's beautifully stitched roses, I turned to Arya to share my "wonderful" work. I managed to make half decent flowers along the edge of my ring but in the center I gave up and embroidered "I hate Needle work". Sewing never brought me any joy, but seeing my little sister giggle in fits at my work made me smile. It however did not make Septa smile...

I was always wild my mother tried to keep me inside for lady lesson when I was growing up, but I much rather have been with my twin brother Robb learning to ride and fight. Eventually, when I was 6 she gave in allowed me to also go out and rough house with my brother, as well as Theon and Jon. I believe mother was happy when Sansa preferred to stay in and knit.


Septa had excused Arya and I from needle work, we were outside in the courtyard messing about, chasing each other. Mother had informed us that father and our brothers were out taking care of a deserter from the wall. I could see her worry as Bran was taken along for the first time. When father did return they came with gifts...of sorts.

"ARYA, ROANNA COME LOOK" Robb hollered at us.

I ran up to Robb who held two direwolf pups in his arms, "Oh my precious, look at you" I cooed at the pups, looking at all of them.

"There are 7, one for each of us, Jon already has his" Robb explained.

"We should wait to choose" I explained "let's get Bran, Sansa and Rickon" I said leading them inside the castle.

All the girls got female direwolves, mine was almost pure black with yellow blue eyes, I named her shadow. Arya's was named Nymeria, Sansa's Lady, Bran's Summer, Rickon's Shaggydog, Jon's Ghost and Robb's greywind.


I left my window open on purpose this morning, as to let the morning sun wake me as soon as it cracked over the hill. The king was expected today and everyone was going mad in preparation, especially my mother who insisted I act lady like before and during the king's arrival. I told her I would, so I allowed her to tell me to get up at the crack of dawn to help my sisters and get myself ready. Which took longer than expected. Arya wouldn't sit still and Sansa wanted her hair to be done in a different fashion every time I finished one, then Arya would not put her dress on and Sansa couldn't pick one. I was actually glad to have finished with the both of them and get myself ready. My dress was blue and trimmed in fur along the sleeves and collar. I didn't do my hair as Sansa or Arya had, I simply braided two sides back from my temples and tied them in a bun at the back.

The king was approaching so we all had to gather in the courtyard, I was between Robb and Sansa.

"You look beautiful Roanna" Sansa smiled as I walked into line

"So do you little dove" I smiled

"Roanna, Sansa where is Arya?" Mother asked

Me and Sansa shrugged as a little Arya trotted by with a helmet on, which father removed.

As the king entered the courtyard we all kneeled. We rose when he stood in front of my father. In which they jested how they had gotten fatter and shorter. He then hugged my mother with a laugh of her name, "CAAT".

"You must be Robb" the king said turning to my twin and touching his arm.

Then he looked at me with a ghost in his eye, "Your grace" I whispered as he stared at me.

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