chapter 21

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winter's p.o.v

i just sit back on the desk counter as i watch iron man and my sister battle. i have no doubt my sister will win, IF she doesn't hesitate. if she does, there is no question my most recent puppet will kill her. because he won't hesitate.

his mind and will may be very strong but not even the captain could withstand my spell and that was when i didn't have full control. now that i have full control, it's physically impossible to break my spell no matter how strong your will or how sharp your mind.

and even a second of hesitance will kill them now. i made it so unless i stop it. and yet something about all this doesn't seem right. my instincts tell me they are my enemies because of my status as an assassin. but it doesn't seem right to kill them for the reasons i was given, and it really doesn't feel right killing them on hydra's orders.

to late to back out now, i will repay my debt to hydra by being loyal. whether it feels right or not. my word of honor means something so i can never go back on my word. i swore loyalty to hydra but i never said for how long. and yet it feels like if i break my loyalty to hydra, I'll be going back on my word.

oh well.

"honor...." i mumble to myself.

this fight doesn't feel honorable. taking someones will and choices away from them like what was done to me has no honor. ya, i made up my mind on that. no more siren spell ever unless in an absolute emergency.

of course I'll play it as part of my game, no need letting them know my true intentions.

i get up and play a dramatic yawn, then clap mockingly right before Wanda is about to blow Stark's head off. that would have been the point of this but a win without honor is a loss. and i won't let my puppet lose that way.

now that Wanda is distracted...

"bravo big sister. but I'm bored. i know you can do better then that. you haven't even used your true power yet so where's the fun in that? maybe stark was to easy an opponent. or maybe he needs free will to beat you..." i say in pretend wonder.

"stark, freeze." i order.

he does just that. he floats in the air with his mask off, if it was on my spell wouldn't work.

"the siren releases you." i say.

but before my spell breaks i place an illusion on him. now when ever he sees an avenger he'll see magneto or me. and when he sees me, he'll see Wanda. i gave his free will back but now i want to see if it will make a difference in a fight.

that will make the game more interesting.

"Tony!" i shout, now playing the part of Wanda.

"Wanda. where's winter?" he asked in a daze.

smirking, i point to my sister who's looking at me in disbelief. it won't be long before he realizes that my inferior sister couldn't possibly be me.

for one thing, I'm a hell of a lot stronger and more powerful.

"winter, we can talk this out. don't listen to the lies hydra has been telling you." stark begs my sister.

wrong person.

"my name isn't winter!" she says, scowling at me as i smirk.

"wow. she doesn't even remember her own name. how sad." i pout with a wink towards my sister.

i can see her visibly fuming.

"you little! you can't tell the difference between illusion and reality?" she questioned angrily.

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