chapter 12

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after the nice talk with winter *sarcasm intended* i find myself in the nest. perfect place to think.

her words shouldn't have effected me the way they did. Pietro was really hurt after the last encounter, but she had a point. if winter can't remember her family than the only way to prove they were related was with a blood test. but even mentioning it didn't go over so well.

I'd really hate to see what she'd do if someone actually came at her with a needle.

we'll have to keep a close eye on her if she's so confident about escaping. wait a minute, no one's watching her.


quickly, i rush down the halls towards winter's cell. like i expected, it was empty. the chains were broken on the floor and the cell door was open, with a key on the bed. i thought the chains were supposed to block her powers.

shaking my head, i rush to Pietro's room. i knock frantically until a very pissed off looking Pietro opens the door.

by the look of his white hair and how tired he is, i bet i just woke him up.

"what the hell, Clint? it's 5 in the bloody morning!" he complained.

"Winter's gone? she escaped and it's only the second day." i say, combing my fingers through my hair in annoyance.

after last time we really should of had someone guarding her. Pietro's face pales.

"damn it. I'll alert the others and you get a head start on her." Pietro said.

before i could even nod, Pietro was gone in a streak of silver. groaning, i quickly make my way out of the tower. who knows how far this girl could of gotten in the short time i have been gone.



I have been running for about an hour or two now and i am a good distance away from the tower. in fact i am almost near the border of new York. i have been running at super speed. I'm walking now because i am satisfied that even if the heroes noticed i am gone, there is no way they can catch up to me before i leave the city. and once i am out, they'll have hell of a time trying to track me down.

i do regret how easy it was, i really expected more of a challenge. mainly from Barton, you'd think he would know not to leave me alone after what happened last time. i also regret never getting to play my game, but i got distracted and then bored.

right before i leave the city, i hear wind following me. i know that's not possible but it's what's in the air.

I spin around, there is no way they caught up to me so fast or even tracked me down. but when i look in the air in front of me, i don't see the avengers.

i see a man in metal armor and a weird looking metal helmet with a cape flowing behind him. from what i could see of his face, he looked old.

the man landed in front of me and took off the helmet. and then it clicked. i remembered this man, magneto. my father.

without realizing it, a hiss escapes my lips. i remember everything! this man has abused me up until i ran away when i was 7 because he thought i didn't have powers. i his them from him. I remember Wanda and Pietro, how hydra experimented on them and enhanced their powers.

how i always hated watching them torture and experiment on them even if i wasn't close to them. that's where my fear of needles came from. hell i even killed a hydra soldier who once tried to stick a needle in me.

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