chapter 6

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I know it's a bad idea to go into the city until tonight, so the last few hours have went by painfully slow and i was SO bored.

I don't do well in one spot and I NEED some fun before i leave.

you have no clue how excited i was as the city was surrounded by darkness, the city lights illuminating the city in a radiant light.

I left my hideout, letting the illusion fall because lets face it. I can't come back any time soon now that I'm on the avenger's radar. they may think I'm dead but i still have to lay low.

I have to admit I'll miss hawk eye. it was amusing to mess with him. but in time they'll forget all about me.

I pulled a satchel over my left shoulder, I'll stuff it with food on the way out of the city. pick pocketing and stealing is one of my many talents, although it's not nearly as fun as killing, I so love the challenge.

I wear a loose crop top with off the shoulder straps and ripped skinny jeans and running shoes. plus my bracelet.

it's fully dark now as i walk through the trees. after years of being on the run, I'm kind of immune to the dark. by that i mean i can see pretty well in the dark.

as i walk through my woods, to the city i see lights from a good distance a head. I shouldn't be able to see city lights from here and as the lights move my suspicions are confirmed. there someone else here.

other than me, no one has dared come in these woods for years.

I climb into the trees easily and start traveling through the trees. every weapon that i prefer to use is on my right now. mainly knifes of all sizes, a bow and a quiver of over a thousand arrows and a few guns.

I hear a conversation a few feet away so it's a good thing that i don't make a sound when moving. It's physically impossible for any normal human hearing to hear me. even spies or other assassins can't hear me because of how quiet i am.

"see, i told you she wouldn't be here. if she is alive there is no way she'd still be in new York. so there is no way she'd be in these woods at night." I recognize the voice of iron man, the hero who threatened me in the bar.

i quickly pull the sweater i have from of my waist and pull it on over my head, throwing the oversized hood on over my head. lucky for me it hides my face well.

I quickly cast an illusion to hide my weapons and satchel and i make myself look like a 10 year old girl. they won't tell the difference. and lucky for me, no one in there group can see through my illusions, hopefully.

I know the speedster, tin man, America lover and birdie can't but i haven't met everyone in their group.

I kept going but i didn't bother to go around the voices because like i said, i love the challenge.  I climbed down from my tree, they would be the ones to lead me out of the city.

i walked right up to the light shining from iron man. show time.

I started sniffing, like i had been crying if he looked at my face, there would be fake tears.

"please... help me. I'm lost and i can't find my daddy." i said sniffing.

i basically made myself look like the younger version of me. including the bruises and cuts i used to have. I still have horrible scars all over my body to this day but i don't care. I show them off as battle marks. i believe the more scars you have the stronger you are and luckily for me i have lots of scars.

but the problem is i don't know where i got them. they aren't from fights I have been in, i just woke up with them when i was 7 so I'm pretty sure it had something to do with my past. I think they're from my dad, whoever he was.

but i let people think i got them from fights.

"don't worry I'll help you find him. what are you doing out here?" he asked, landing on the ground and lifting up his mask.

"he left. he left me and said to wait til he came back. but it was light out then. now I'm scared." I said with very fake panic.

"Pietro." he said and behind me was the speedster.

"found this little girl, her dad left her here, we need to take her back to the tower." he said, picking 10 year old me up off the ground.

"what about winter?" he asked with a depressed look.

I suddenly went stiff in tin man's arms. how the fuck did he know my name. no one knows my name. and i did not like being held like this.

no matter how old i was, i never liked being touched.

I struggled in his grasp, flinching away from his touch. Iron man and the speedster both noticed.

"I think you better put her down." Pietro said with a laugh.

I stared at him, why did he look so damned familiar. i don't remember ever seeing him before but he looked so familiar.

Tony put me down and asked me to take off my sweater. I smirked  in my head as i took off the sweater. I can't wait to see their reactions.

they both visibly winced when they saw every scar that covered my by body. but these weren't the worst. the worst were on my back, they were huge and nasty. the result of something very painful but don't exactly remember.

I quickly put the sweater back on and through the hood on.

Pietro than grabbed me and sped away to the tower before i could protest.

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