chapter 15

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rogers and i enter the huge dining room and EVERY avenger is already sitting there except for Pietro and Stark. i know why Pietro isn't here but why stark isn't is a complete mystery to me.

i keep a stony face as rogers pulls out a seat for me, which is really annoying. everyone is eyeing me but i ignore them. then i hear Pietro shouting my name. i smirk as everyone looks at the door way. it took him long enough.

but when Pietro storms in, i play a look of innocence while Clint puts a hand over his mouth to cover up a laugh. Natasha shoots a questioning look to Barton but he shrugs, laughing more.

"yes, brother?" i ask with an innocent smile.

Pietro pins me with a glare that he knows i am immune to. then he sits next to me and with Clint on my other side.

"you'd think you would've grown out of that." he mutters causing everyone to laugh.

"what did lady winter do?" Thor asked Pietro, making me laugh a bit harder at his use of the word "lady"

"glued me to my bed for about an hour until her illusion wore off but then when i jumped into my shoes and tried to run, i tripped because she super glued them to the floor just like when we were kids. and she got Clint to throw a water balloon on my head to wake me up!" he said with an annoyed smile.

Clint finally started laughing.

"seriously?" banner asked with a glare at Clint.

"in all honesty, we were both bored." Clint said with another laugh.

"this is the sister i used to know. the playful and trouble making one." Pietro said with a soft smile.

my face suddenly went completely blank, even my eyes so not even Barton could tell what i was feeling. this was always a sign as to my personality switches or when i was fighting for control. so the look of pure terror wasn't a surprise on Pietro's face.

suddenly he stood up and backed away from the table.

"you guys might want to back up." he said with a worried voice.

Clint noticed my clenched fists that were slowly turning white and the table started to shake. i was breathing deeply and everyone backed up except Clint. he grabbed onto my shoulders but my face remained passive.

but i can't seem to block my feeling for the archer.

"move." i gasped painfully.

"you have to control it." he said seriously.

the ground started shaking and all the glass in the room began to crack.

"can't..." i whispered.

as i was lost in my thoughts, he kissed me deeply. i heard gasps around the room but i ignored them as my fists lowered and the room stopped shaking as the glass stopped cracking. my face was no longer passive as i found myself kissing him back.

then as i remembered myself, we pulled away at the same time. Clint looked at me with nervous eyes but i was calm. there was nothing to be nervous about. i smiled at Clint and he looked relieved when he smiled back.

but i know this won't last. this won't be the last time my personalities fight me for control. and only one half of me feels for Barton.

then i look around. remembering what happened.

"you need to get a handle on your powers and i think i know how to help you." rogers said, stepping forward.

i nodded and didn't argue because i really do want to control my power.

everyone went back to normal like nothing happened but Wanda kept a sharp eye on me and i could feel her trying to pick at my brain. but my plan is working. she can't get in my mind and she is too distracted with me to snoop through Clint's mind.

i wink at her when her eyes lock on mine and hit her with a glare as i tap my head. she knows it means that she can't get in my head. she never could and never will.

she gives me an angry glare as stark walks in and serves food. i hold in a laugh at the fact that Stark doesn't know what happened and that he is serving food.

but when he came up to me, i denied any food.

"winter you have to eat something. you can't starve yourself." stark of all people said with concern.

"I'm not starving myself, I'm just not hungry." i say.

i don't understand their concern at my lack of eating. like really.

Pietro shared a look with Clint.

"eat something win, when we were little you never ate much but you always ate something." he said with worry.

those words made me angry. i never used to eat much because we never had food, what we did have, i gave up so Pietro and Wanda could eat.

"what we did have i didn't eat so you and Wanda could. then i stopped eating all together when father started starving me!" i hiss angrily.

everyone, including Wanda looked at me in shock.

"i haven't eaten properly since i left. but i don't need to. i got used to it so i don't need to eat much. i can go months without food." i mutter.

"winter. you have to eat. it's not good to go months without food and you will starve. your dad can't hurt you anymore." rogers said.

"yes he can." i mutter.

Evil can't be good (a avengers fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now