Chapter 19

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I was walking down the hallway to talk to Four about some meeting that the officials want him at when I hear his voice in Tris's room.
"You are the most powerful Divergent ever and the only known female to arrive outside of the gates." Divergent and outside of the gates? Jeanine needs to hear about this. I peer into the room and see that Four is talking to another girl with brown hair braided down her head. She is sitting in between two boys that I have never seen before, one with loose blonde hair and another with short dark hair. One of them turns around and notices me so I sprint out of the hallway a little too loudly. Another pair of footsteps are on my trail closing the gap in between us. I turn the corner and the footsteps slow down and turn back.
I need to report this to Jeanine. I jog over to the control room and order one of the soldiers to get me communication with the Erudite compound. They hand me a small note and return to their positions at the doorway.
Forgive me
I have to cancel the meet
Various people asked for help
Everyone has jammed my list
Please meet another time
My apologies,
I understood her meaning from the notes, meet at 5 pm. I glance a look at my watch, 3:45. Just over an hour, I should probably get going now if I'm going to catch the train to our meeting point.
"If anyone asks for me, tell them I have gone to meet someone. Understood?" I instruct one of the guards, he gives a nod in agreement and I walk away.
Careful to avoid anyone that may have been associated with the people from beyond the gate, I creep along the compound until I reach the outside. In the distance, the train is roaring through the night as always. In a rush, it bullets past me and I race along with it. My hand narrowly missed the handle but I managed to grab a hold of it and pull myself up. The lights of the city shut off, signaling curfew for the city but as always, the Erudite compound is shining bright as ever. The meeting spot is nearing and I prepare myself for the jump. The adrenaline I feel as I take that leap off of the train can never be replaced. I stumble across the opposite set of tracks and walk to the brick building where Jeanine should be meeting me. Her hair shined in the dark as she walked closer to me.
"Have you any information on the Divergent Tris?" She asks in a hushed tone.
"Yes, but before we discuss her, I say that Erudite should focus more on the new recruit." Even in the dark I can see the confused look on her face. "Outsiders have come," I pause for effect, "from beyond the gates." I whisper. "The girl, she is Divergent. From what my sources can confirm, Four labels her as the most powerful one known. I've checked the recent records on the fear landscapes and one reports only 2 fears. I think it's safe to say it is the outsider who concurred these results."
"How many have come from beyond the gates?"
"I've seen 3 I do not recognize, but they seem to have befriended Tris's group. 2 boys and the girl. I suggest we-"
She cuts me off, "I make the calls. I need you too get the girl, I'll take care of her friends. Do not harm her, if she is as powerful as you have heard, then she is special. Get me her name and the ones of the boys too. I need everything you can find out about them, but only get the girl when I contact you. I'll see you soon." The sound of her footsteps trail away as I make my way onto the oncoming train back to Dauntless.
I lift myself up into the train car and sit over the edge. Footsteps move across the car from behind me.
"Hello Eric."

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