Chapter 14 part 2

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"What are you doing here?" My eyes subconsciously wandered to his pale nose; I couldn't stand looking into his icy blue eyes. The strange sharpness in them didn't quite fit his face.

"I came yesterday, but I guess you weren't part of the welcome party." I laughed hastily, trying to get rid of the cold nervousness rising in my stomach. His eyes just really put me off, like they could read all my thoughts.

Suddenly, I felt a cool hand against my cheek, and I snapped out of my nervousness.

"You're shaking."

My hand reacted on impulse, like my mouth. "Don't touch me!" I turned my cheek away as my hand came up and struck him across the face. A stinging sensation danced across my palm and sustained feeling for a while.

Mason stared at me, his lips parted slightly in surprise.  My eyes stared back at the flaming red mark branded on his right cheek.

I looked at my hands in shock, and then into his unusual eyes.

"I-I'm so sorry! I just- I didn't mean to..."

He scratched the back of his head solemnly. "Its okay if you're afraid of me."

The frailty and the shock dissolved and I scoffed. "Don't flatter yourself. I'm not afraid of you. You just have some freaky looking eyes."

A goofy half grin graced his face. "Diego told me about your bluntness."

My eyebrows popped up. "He talks about me?"

"Actually, I meant, more like warned." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. He's over dramatic. "

"He's not the only one." He looked at me pointedly.

"Don't get so comfortable, Chuckles."

"Why not? This is my house." My stomach fluttered. There was that goofy grin again.

"So who is this man in the picture?" I asked, changing the subject.

The smile slipped of his face and his eyes clouded as he grasped the picture frame in my hand.  "That's Uncle."

"It sounds like that's his God- given name. Why do you call him that?"

"Everyone calls him Uncle because they respect him, and also fear him. Even we call him that, even though he's Diego and I's  father."

My head whipped around at the whispered reply. "He's your dad?"

"No. My dad's name was Gabriel Bracer, and he died two years ago. However, our father is Uncle and that's all I have to say."

"That sounds so contradictory..." He eyed me dangerously, daring me to finish the sentence. "B-but I'm sure it makes sense...somewhere..."

He rolled his eyes. "Anyway. Why are you up so early?"

"I wanted to be a ninja..." I mumbled pathetically under my breath.

He scrunched his face up in confusion. "I cant hear you when you mumble like that. You what?"

"I said, I wanted to free a llama," I raised my volume,  just a bit.

"Sam, seriously. I can't hear a thing you're saying-"

"I wanted to see my mamma!" He looked at me, his eyes definitely startled, probably suspecting me of mental instability. I stared back, wondering why the third thing off the top of my head was as dumb as a sack full of Patrick Stars. 

In the next few moments, a soft snickering was audible, until It was absolutely clear Mason was belly laughing.

"I... heard you the...first time," He choked out in-between needed breaths.

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