Chapter 14 Part 1

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"I wasn't hiding!" Diego denied to his Aunt as he elbowed me to help him, but I smiled smugly and waited for him to continue. "I was just... stuck on a nail or something..."

I cut him off. ''Yeah, okay." Turning to Aunt Charmed, I said, "Anyway, I think it's time I met the rest of the family, don't you think?"

She held out her arm and I linked mine through it, together walking dramatically towards what I assumed was the family room.

"No! Wait!!" Diego begged. We continued on to the kitchen as if we didn't hear him. "Man, Grams is going to kill me..."

Charmed called out to him saying, "Oh, it's not just her. We," She said, gesturing between the two of them, "still have a talk coming after this."

"Why do you two always have to team up on me?" He complained.

We entered the kitchen. "Because we love you," Charmed flitted over her shoulder.

Before I could even laugh at her response, I froze, trying to process the scene before me.

It hurt to breathe; not that I was doing too much of that at the moment. Blue and greens eyes stared back at me, with the exception of one hazel. The expressions of curiosity, confusion, surprise, and interest painted the faces around me. I didn't really notice the faces at the time; all I really noticed was this fact: They were all impossibly beautiful. It was like I was in a Twilight movie. I'm not going to lie though; I was hoping one was named jasper and would pick me up and take me away. Too bad I'd never get to check because here's the black spot's queue to fill in my vision.

"Uh-oh," I heard Diego's voice warn, "Someone catch her. Quick!" I heard feet shuffling towards me, then felt warm arms supporting me. More footsteps to the left, then Diego's voice came. "Hold her head right, dufus!"

I felt the chest supporting me rumble with a smooth voice. "You're not the one who caught her, so shut up and let me be the one to decide what she needs right now." Despite his defiance against Diego's help, he still shifted my head into an upright position. "Plus, you already said she wasn't your girlfriend, so why does it matter to you?"

"It doesn't." An unmistakable growl underlined his voice. I heard a few loud clangs and shouts before my eyes rolled in the back of my head.

"...does she always faint like this?" I heard an elderly, worried whisper ask.

"Yeah, pretty much." Diego's voice resounded. "And if you ask me, it's getting kind of annoying."

I opened my eyes at this, the raw rays of the evening sun hitting my tired eyes. My eyes lay on an aged woman, yet impossibly beautiful for her guesstimated age. She was patronizing Diego, so my best bet was that she was Grams.

She whacked him hard in the arm. "Who asked you?"

Diego rubbed his bicep, wincing. "No one Grams."

"Then I suggest you stay quiet." I smiled, liking her already. My eyes grew heavy as she talked, and I found myself falling asleep to her singsong voice.

Darkness was oddly welcomed into my pupils as my eye lids parted. It looked to around the crack of dawn when I glanced outside the creme french doors. Crust fell from my eyes as they wandered to the open door to the left of my bed.

Before I knew it, I was up and out the door, finding myself in a lava-red hallway. It was long, never-ending hall, and at the endless-end the light was sparse and the hall veered to a sharp right. I considered going walking towards the mysterious end, but settled for the spindly, well-lit stairs to my left.

As it was morning, there weren't many noises as I crept down the stairs. I don't know why I felt sneaky, but as soon as I hit the bottom of the staircase, I flattened my back against the wall, occasionally humming my own theme song and creeping around every corner. When I saw the coast was clear, I relaxed, taking in the room.

I found myself in a family room of sorts: TV remote wedged between the plush sanguine couch cushions; small multicolored paint hand prints gratified the lower mocha wall; board games discarded until later. Every device and piece of furniture around me hinted at being more expensive than my pair of limited addition Batman boxers. It was strange to see a living room worthy of the front cover in Better Homes in the state it was. All the present flaws seemed out of place in this perfect picture. It was like a real family had... lived in it.

My gaze landed on a glass cabinet of sorts. Trophies and certificates littered the shelves, with a few medals here and there. The smiling faces that projected pure victory and achievement stared back at me, their eyes all rushing to tell me a story. A certain pair of warm green eyes drew my attention to a carefully glued macaroni-framed picture. I reached up and grabbed the snapshot of Diego's four year old self that stared back at me as he seemed to be shoving a square Lego into a round one; inexplicably, with the same hard headed expression he usually has.

I felt my lips tilt upward into a smile as I shook my head, continuing searching through memory-encased frames. My brown eyes grazed over the genetically familiar family and more childhood pictures of him, a lot of them so embarrassing I could use for blackmail. The furrows of my eyebrows began to appear as I stopped on a certain picture. The frame held a picture of two young boys at what looked like Niagara falls. Diego held an empty cup in his hand over the boy beside him, looking as mischievous as usual, while the other boy was wet with what I assumed was in the dangling cup. But that wasn't what unsettled me. The soaked boy had piercing blue eyes that ceased my heart beat. I watched my face pale in the dim reflection of the frame as I continued to stare at the boy. He looked familiar...

A chill clawed up my spine as a clammy hand rested on my shoulder and they leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"I see you've found my most favorite recollection of my childhood." The eerie voice murmured.

I stared at the faint reflection in the picture glass as his name came to mind. "Mason."

A/N: OOOOOOOHHH!! What is MASON doing there?!!! LOL okay this is the first time i've done a part of a chapter and frankly, i hate parts, but they are needed sometimes XD. I'd like to give a shout out to @thisgirltalks122 because she dragged my lazy busy butt out of bed and made me finally finish up my update. Don't believe me? Look on my page!! If she hadn't reminded me constantly, i wouldn't of remembered till Summer!!!! lol I know that's bad!! but i've been busy with UIL and musical practice and Guitar practice and notes i haven't finished and SCHOOL its sooo muchhhhh but i love ittt...Anyway, what do you guys think Mason is doing there? THINK BACK........ and that's all I'm giving you!! Ohhhh, shout out to Marvel_Queen because her fanfiction of the avengers /Captain America is amazing, so if you like The avengers check her story out. ohhhh AND MY BOOK IS NOW RANKED Short Story #259 / Teen Fiction #854!! YOU GUYZ ARE AWESOMEEEEE!!! Till next time readahssss!!!


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