Chapter 12

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"So, where da boyfriend and ya staying, again?" The annoying cab driver named Gabe asked again, for the umpteenth time.  He had greasy black hair and sported yellow decaying teeth every time he winked and smiled at me in the rear view mirror. There was a slight accent to his speech; Indian, almost. 

I continued to ignore him right along with Diego, like I  had this who cab ride. As usual, we got into a argument as soon as we started looking for a cab outside of the airport. 

" ...I am not riding in a puke green cab." I said, scrunching up my nose in disgust. "There's a reason the company is called "Yellow Cab", Diego. Because they are yellow." 

Stressing my case and fairly agreeable point to him made no difference. He wouldn't budge. "I think the green one looks cool." I groaned and he gave me a wicked smile.

"Its not cool!! Its literally the only ugly green cab in this whole cab pick-up loop! Green is not natural." I shuttered to think of what mysteries lay in that thing.

He just shook his head. "Such a girl," he muttered. "And remember that i'm the one carrying the luggage and puke bags, not you." 

I saw where he was going with this. "Oh now you wanna hold the baggage? In exchange for not having to hold your nasty puke bags and riding in that death trap of mystery? Hmm..." I scratched my chin in pretend thought, then held my hand out. "Deal."

He broke out in an awkward happy dance, leaving my handshake empty in the process. He hurried to hail the taxi,(like somebody else would want that thing) and proceeded to put the bags in the trunk.

" If this is was a horrible decision,then I will make you regret it deeply, Diego." I gave him a serious look as we entered the car. 

The first signs of the bad decision came immediately, " Ello young children, My name iz Gabe"- He pronounced the "G" like he was hawking spit out of his throat- "and I will be yar yellow cab driver to-deh." He laughed at his own stupid cab color joke, then seeing that we weren't laughing, he tried to explain it. As if anyone could forget they were in a green cab.

I glared at Diego, sending him the signal that, as soon as this ride was over, I was going to strangle him,  yelling, 'Green is the last color you'll see!' in an Indian accent.

And so, we are back to the present cab experience.

Greasy Gabe glanced at me in the rear view mirror momentarily. "Um, I don't think you have heard me all this ride. Where are juu love birds staying?" I could just feel the vein in my forehead pulse as I started to explode.

"Do you know what color this cab is? Are you aware that its green? Do you know you work for the "Yellow cab" company?! Can you comprehend what the color yellow is? Do you even know  what A normal, sanitary, yellow cab looks like?" My hands were shaking as I struggled to keep still, and  Greasy Gabe looked like he wanted to sink down into his seat and curl up like a ball.

"Sam..." Diego spoke with a cautious voice, though he refused to look at me. "You're scaring the nice man."

 "Diego," I said in the same tone as him. "I don't think the nice man minds, do you, Gabe?" I turned to the cab driver.

The cab driver shook his head, but he was gripping the steering wheel for dear life.

"See?" I pointed out to Diego. "He's fine."

The cab drive was pleasantly quiet after that, or at least, I thought so, anyway.

It took me a while to realize that, for an hour now,we kept passing the same crusty homeless dude holding up a sign that said "Will twerk for food." 

"Gabe..." I whispered coldly. "Why are we going around in circles?"

Diego looked at me,then at the hobo, realizing that I was right.

Gabe's knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel. "You... never told me... the address..." He trailed off, but we all heard him.

"Why didn't you tell us something? The meter's been running for an hour now! You weren't going to say anything, were you?" This came from Diego, and I shuddered, never seeing him this pissed before. Honestly, It scared me. His eyes turned that same shade of icy blue it had been when I first saw him in the forest.

I laid a hand on his bicep, and he tensed. "Get up," he ordered Gabe.


"Don't make me ask twice." Diego growled, and in all honesty, it sounded hot.

Gabe scrambled from his seat and opened the door, sitting in the back. Diego took his place at the wheel, and I sat shotgun, not wanting to sit in the back in case Greasy Gabe became Groping Gabe.

Diego turned off the meter, and Gabe groaned. "Groan one more time and I promise you, I, Diego James Harris, will throw you onto the street and run you down, and you will never see your taxi, or your life, again."

Gabe's eyes widened in a strange recognition and fear when he heard his full name. "Yes sir."

I looked at Diego, shuddering. His eyes were hard, and the scowl on his face didn't seem to go with his soft features at all.

"Diego," I whispered.

"Yes?" he asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"You're scaring me a little ." He looked at me, his full attention on the fear in my voice. His frozen blue eyes softened.

"If you're smart," Gabe said, almost with a perfect English accent. "You should be."


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