Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Dylan,Marisa,Gwen(Wogo)

I ripped my gaze away from the now empty clearing and turned towards the church.

"Okay," I said to myself. "All I have to do is walk up those stairs and into the church." But my feet wouldn't move. They weren't as stupid as I was being.

While I was in the middle of a mental throw down with my feet, a rustling came from a  bush to the left of me. Afraid to move, I look at it side ways, not wanting to be like those stupid girls on the horror movies going,"Who's there?" Like they're really going to answer you.

The rustling came again, more insistent this time.

"Alright," I whispered to myself. "On the count of three, I'm going to run.1..."  I slowly stretched my back leg out and positioned my arms.  " 2,3!"

I took off sprinting towards the way my mom had left. The words "I'm going to die"  frantically echoed through my brain as  I heard the perpretator's foot steps slapping the ground after me. But I knew since I was in track that I was winding them.

"Wait!" the perp yelled.

I had half a mind to turn around, but that's another way girls in scary movies die. They listen to the killer.

"Wait! Please...stop..."  It was clearly a boy's voice, and he was clearly gasping for air.

I turned and looked behind me. The boy had stopped, bending and gripping his knee caps for support as he tried to catch his breath. His face was to the ground, so I took the opportunity to slip into the dense forest. I backtracked to where he was, but stayed hidden in the bushes, watching him.

"Dang it! Where'd she go?"  He looked around helplessly, like a sad puppy. "Well, she'll be back ,so..."

He plopped down on the ground and waited. What a weird guy,I thought, trying to size him up. He wore faded blue jeans and a red Hollister shirt. He had sun tanned skin  and a tense jaw line. His earthy green eyes flickered across the scene, and his dark hair a huge contrast from the pouty red lips on his face.

I sized him up as cute. And maybe not an axe murderer.

I stepped out from behind my little private bush and he stood up.

"So. You decided to come out, eh?" He grinned lopsidedly. I detected a slight accent, but couldn't put my finger on it.

"What?" I said, confused.

''I knew you were there all along."  I gave him a dubious look. "What? You'd think i'd really sit here and wait for you to come back if you had run off? By the way you were arguing with your mom, I'd have half-a mind to think you'd actually make a run for it."

My eyes rolled themselves because even they were getting annoyed. "I ran because I thought you were an axe murderer. And by you're huge puffy red lips, I now think you're a cannibal." I gave him a challenging look.

"Ooh, feisty. But save the spicy for the trip to the campsite."

"Campsite?" I asked.

"You didn't think we were staying in that old church, did you? No one's been in there for, like, centuries." He laughed at my relieved face.

"How far is it?" I asked, looking at the setting sun.

"Don't worry. We'll get there before the sun goes down. And we'll have some alone time together." He wiggled his eyebrows up and down, and I obeyed the urge to punch the creep in the shoulder. Leaving him to nurse his sore arm, I started walking back towards the church.

"Hey, wait up!" He rubbed his arm and jogged to catch up to me.

I've concluded that he's a jerk.

A/N: Hey, it's me! I haven't updated i n a while because I've been writing Wake. Ohhh speaking of Wake, check it out if you're looking for a fantasy book to read, Kay? Here's a shout out to @Shortonlyme for answering my riddle last chapter lol. well, as I'm sure you guys know, I LOVE MY READERS, I'M ETERNALLY GRATEFUL FOR YOU GUYS! now that I'm done with that weird stuff, bye!!


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