Chapter 8

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I ran towards the Girl's dorm and into the room and this time it was inhabited. The girls stared back at me as I entered the room , tears running down my face. Linda sat in the middle of the group of girls, telling them what happened . They all decided it was Girl Time and introduced themselves. They gathered around my bed as I told them what Diego said. The girl who's name was Kayla Reece shook her head. "Oh, you shouldn't have done that. I know him and he's very sensitive to his parents death."

Linda shot her a glare. "Well no duh Kay,who wouldn't be?"  Kayla was silent.

Linda turned to me and said, " Look Sam, you ran off before I could tell you, and you run pretty fast."

"So I've been told," I pouted grimly.

"Well he's a jerk so..."

I lifted an eyebrow. "I thought you guys were going out?"

Linda wrinkled her nose. "Heavens no. I wouldn't go out with him if a skunk pooped on me." For some reason, I thought I sensed a lie in there.

The girls glared at her as if she had the best opportunity in the world and were mad she wasn't taking it. I shivered. "And I also have an eye out for that cute nerd Mason."

I thought I saw Kayla say "Yes!" but I wasn't too sure.

"Who's Mason? And what is with you and nerds?" I asked , but no one was paying attention to me.

While the girls left the room, Kayla approached me timidly but determinedly.

"Hey I know he won't be too mad at you so when you guys do start talking again, can you mention me?" Her eyes were pleading silently.

"Sure, i'll try." I noted that in my mind but doubted i'd remember. Linda came up to me after she had riffled through her bag.

"He'll get over it soon," Linda said, patting my shoulder. "I know he will."


At about 6:32 am, I wake up and there is barely any sun today. Sitting up in my bed, I notice all my Cabin family is gone. I figure i knew where they were so I pull on some clothes and head to the cafeteria .

There was a lone table with a sign that said: Losers's table

 All the other lunch tables were taken. People even resorted to laying across the bench so I couldn't sit down. Diego was sitting at a table with everyone else. Linda and the girls looked like she was about to come over but Diego gave her a look that I couldn't read and she stayed in her seat. Everyone stared at me.

Sighing, I walked through the lunch line and grabbed my pancakes and bacon for the day. When I came back, I noticed Diego coming towards me as I approached the Loser's table.

"What are you doing?" He asked, questionably.

"Um, sitting down," I said, as if I was the most obvious thing in the world.

"This table's not meant for you. It's for him and his dork friends, but mostly for him..." He nodded his head in the direction of a boy walking toward the table with his tray waving to his group made up of dripping noses and brace faces. "And I forgive you for yesterday. It's not like you knew."   He looked down at his hands.

"It doesn't matter if i knew or not. I still shouldn't have said that about them." I put my hand on his shoulder, and out of the corner of my eye I see Kayla's face fall, as if she was sad or something.

"I think you have a crush." I wiggled my eye brows up and down at him.

"Who?" he said, totally oblivious.

"Kayla." I looked at him to see if he was hiding something or if he was for real.

"Who's that?" he said absent-minded while he stared at Linda's butt as she walked over to us.

Guys, I thought. "Never mind. forget it." I silently apologized to Kayla in my mind.

"Come on Sam, there's a seat I saved for you over here." She blindly gestured in the general area of the table, but her eyes and mind really on someone at the Loser's table behind us. I turned to see that she was staring longingly at the boy Diego pointed at.

Now that I was really paying attention, I could see that he was sort of cute, in a puppy dog kind of way. He had long, dark brown hair that glinted gold in the sun and hung over his iridescent blue eyes that reflected the dusty brown of his vest. There were light freckles spread across his nose and his firm jaw tensed as he stared straight back at me.

I cleared my throat and looked away as I felt something stir inside me. 

"Linda" I grabbed her arm tightly and shook it firmly. "We have to go," I  stressed the point. She glared at me but then understood what i meant. She saw him staring back too.

"Okay! You can let go of my arm now." We glared at each other for no particular reason at all, and walked back to the table together, with me looking back once to met his now unreadable stormy eyes.

"Who was that guy?" I asked Linda.

She sighed. "That's Mason, Deigo's stepbrother."

 A/N:Ohhh, twist!!!! Lol, for your info, Mason was never going to be Diego's step bro at first, so you guys can't say "Oh, I knew it!! I knew it all along!!"

My bestfriend's boyfriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora