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The following days were a great joy, during the last quarter of the semester, all classes returned normally, except for the defense against the dark arts (more reason for joy).

Hydra received a letter from her devastated mother claiming that Lucius was no longer a Hogwarts governor, and Harry told him the story of Tom Ridley's diary and how his father had left it with Ginny so she could bring it to school, and finally told how he helped Dobby to be set free. Hydra felt more ashamed than ever, ashamed of the monster her father was, ashamed that she had never thought to free Dobby.

- I'm sorry Harry, I did not know... - She said in a crying voice, looking at the boy one night in the common room after he told her everything that had happened.

- It was not your fault, it was your father's fault, I believe you didn't know anything about it. - He said.

- Thank you for what you did for poor Dobby, I cannot believe I'd never thought of it before, of course he wanted to be free, who wouldn't? Even I want to! - She said feeling even more embarrassed.

- Hydra, maybe you should pay more attention to what happens in your house. - Harry did not said it rudely, but it was like a slap in her face, Hydra really needed to be more attentive, her father was more dangerous than she had ever imagined, she decided that on her next vacation, however torturous it seemed to her, she would stay home  with an eye on Luciu's footsteps.

- I know, I never really cared what was going on there before, but not I'll... Or I'll try to...

- I know, I imagine and even understand you, but since you're there anyway, maybe you can at least avoid some things, who knows ...

The girl sat in the chair, feeling sad and ashamed, for a long time, until Oliver called her.

- I think you're probably going to want it back - he said, with the 2001 Nimbus that Hydra gave him for Christmas on his hands.

- Are you kidding? - The girl asked, glaring at him.

- No, I ... I just thought ...

- That it would be nice to give me back a gift that I bought for you with all my love? - She asked, still not beliving on what was happening.

- That's not... Hydra, no, that's not what I meant, I just... I just thought you... - The boy looked very, very blushed.

- I know what you thought, Oliver, don't worry, I think I'm nervous about everything... but no, I don't want it back. - Hydra said, trying to calm the voice - it's yours,  you can keep it, throw it away, set it on fire, whatever you want! It was a gift and it doens't matter whether I'm dating you or not, it's still yours.

- I know, thank you so much, I'll ... I'll always remember you with it.

It was strange, part of Hydra wanted to cry, hug Oliver, kiss him maybe... but another, just wanted him to leave, things were definitely not the same anymore.

During Potion classes, Snape remained as rigid as ever, even with the exams canceled, but at the end of a lesson, Hydra was surprised with a request for her to stay in c,ass.

- Miss Malfoy, your aptitude for potions, despite the house you are in,  it was noticed by me. - He spoke as seriously and coldly as ever.

- Thank you Prof. Snape, you're a great teacher.

- Maybe it's your blood, your Slytherin ancestor - he continued - I've always thought you were in the wrong house, well, I expect to see more of this talent next year."

Hydra saw that in his harsh manner, Snape tried to praise her, she decided to be brave and ask.

- Professor Snape, I wanted extra lessons, advanced potions lessons next year, I want to be a potion master, and I would very much like to have you as a mentor... -  Hydra spoke quickly and held her breath as she waited for the answer. Snape, who continued with the same cold stare as usual and took a few seconds to speak.

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