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October arrived, bringing a cold weather that Hydra was no longer accustomed to, she caugted a cold, shortly after the first practice of quidditch that she helped Oliver and the team with, it was raining in the end of the match, she became ill and needed the care of  Madame Pomfrey, who quickly cured her with a potion.

- And what are you doing? - Madame Pomfrey asked Hydra, who had the potion close to her nose.

- Trying to guess what's in here - she clarified, putting a drop of the potion on her finger and then on her tongue, trying to taste it.

- Just drink the potion, miss Malfoy - said Madam Pomfrey.

Her relationship with Oliver was going well, although sometimes Hydra became annoyed by his obsession with quidditch.

Adrian now became a little weird and mean with Hydra, treating her more and less the same as Flint or ignoring her, which made her feel very hurt.

Her mother still sent out sweets and cakes daily for her and Draco, which Fred and George loved, since they ate most of what she received, Draco and Hydra were having now a more friendly relationship and he seemed to have not yet realized for some reason that she was dating Oliver, which was good for now, because if he knew she was dating a Gryffindor boy, he would probably freak out, as would her parents.

Now the class was preparing for their first visit to Hogsmeade, the wizarding village, Hydra was excited and was getting ready to go out with the girls.

- I think you're going to love it, there's so many cool things to do there- Said Angelina, putting on her winter coat.

- I cannot wait to have a butterbeer- Alicia seemed to salivate as she spoke.

- Hydra, are you going with your boyfriend? - Asked Laura, she found the Hydra-Oliver couple very fascinating.

- Yes, he will be there too - Answered  Hydra.

- Are you guys really dating? - Jeniffer asked, as she putted on her winter coat too.

- Yeah, I know, it was fast ...

- He was right ... - Jeniffer was talking to herself.

- Who? Was write? - Hydra asked in curiosity.

- Nothing, no one, never mind... - Jeniffer said quickly, leaving the room with  Rita before the other girls.

Finally, the girls left the room and went to the common room where they found the boys. They went to the entrance of the castle, where the grumpy janitor, Mr. Fitch waited to check the names with permission to participate in the tour, fortunately Lucius had signed the permission before all the confusion in Dumbledore's room, since then he and Hydra had not spoken and she doubted he would allow her to go anywhere after that,

- I've been thinking, it's our first official date - Oliver said smiling, hugging Hydra on the way to the village.

- True, but living at Hogwarts we do not have exactly many opportunities to go out.

Hydra gave Oliver a soft kiss and stopped when she heard Fred and George imitating a kiss noise very loudly.

In Hogsmeade, Hydra felt at home, it was an entirely magical village, full of shops, pubs and things to see and do, the twins went straight to the Zonko store, a gaming store, Hydra Decided to enter the store as well and Oliver followed.

- I'll see you in Three Broomsticks - Angelina said as she walked away.

- We will save a butterbeer for you - Alicia said, following Angelina.

She watched as the twins and Lee paced back and forth from the stores that vibrated with student laughter and explosions of colored balls.After a while, Hydra followed Oliver to Honey dukes, where he bought some creamy cauldrons and rainbow truffles, Oliver bought a huge unicorn-shaped lollipop and she bought him extra creamy cauldrons for him and his friends, She realized that Oliver looked as she took some galleons out of her pocket, she thought he did not like the fact that she was rich, but he never said anything about that or anything else.

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