Chapter 19: Food Poisoning

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I felt numb inside, I didn't even think about crying. I couldn't. Tony will be disappointed when I show my face, I know it. So will the rest of them.

I got out of bed and walked to my bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror for a solid 2 minutes and mentally told myself I was a failure. Cause I knew it was true.

I took a shower and then got dressed. I walked into the kitchen for breakfast with wet hair and sat at the kitchen table with everyone else.

They all stared at me. Most likely because they know I know what happened.

"How's it going, Pete?" Steve asked, handing me a plate of pancakes with bacon.

I didn't answer. Not because I was sad, I just didn't know what to say.

"How was school?" Tony asked.

Memories of crying in the restroom and hugging Happy flooded my brain. I still didn't answer.

"Listen, what happened. It wasn't your fault. Okay?" Tony said.

He put his hand on mine and I yanked my hand away. And continued to eat my breakfast.

"Peter-" He started.

"Shut up! I know what I did and I hate myself for it! But I don't need your stupid sympathy!" I interrupted, but I used a few other harsh words in there.

"Peter! It wasn't your fault!" Tony said.

"Everyone thinks it is!" My bottom lip quivered, "Everyone thinks Spider-Man turned evil!"

Tony sighed. "It doesn't matter what people think of you, Peter. It's what you are on the inside that counts. Show them that the Spidey they saw wasn't the real Spidey they know. Prove them wrong."

"How?" I asked.

"Be strong and fight." He put his hand on my shoulder and I hugged him tightly.

"I'm scared." I admitted.

"Who wouldn't be?" Tony said, then he kissed my forehead.

Everyone continued to eat and pretended to not hear our conversation.

"Who wants more pancakes?!" Steve asked in excitement. Everyone was stuffed except for Bucky.

"I feel sick." Clint said as he held onto his stomach.

"I feel like crap." Nat said.

They all were bolting for the restrooms. Luckily everyone had their own.

"Was it my famous pancakes?" Steve looked shocked.

"Oh my God." Bucky said.

"What?" I asked.

"Steve, those pancakes. What was the expiration date on the box?" Bucky asked him.

"Let me check." Steve pulled out the box from the trash and sure enough they were 2 months due.

"FRIDAY. Please notify us when an item in the food department has reached its expiration date." Steve said, looking mad.

"Yes sir." FRIDAY responded.

"Wow, now they know how it feels to-" I was cut off when my stomach started gurgling.

"What is it?" Steve asked.

"Oh no." I ran to my restroom and immediately puked once I reached the toilet.

"Hey kid." Tony came in.

"Are you not sick?" I asked.

"I have my morning juice! No pancakes, silly." He laughed.

He stopped when I threw up again.

"Okay, it's okay. Let's get you in bed." He said.

"No. I'm too tired." I laid my head down on the toilet seat.

"No!" Tony shouted. He was a big germaphobe. So he laid my head on his chest.

"Let's get you to bed." He said. I started to zone out.

"Steve!" He shouted.

"Yeah?" Steve was holding towels and buckets.

"Can you carry him to his bed?" Tony asked.

"Sure!" He put down the buckets and picked me up. He laid me down on my bed and I snuggled underneath the covers in agony.

"I have this bucket here for you. You have an extremely high metabolism, so this should go away within the next few hours." Tony said.

"Okay." I whispered and fell dead asleep.


Everyone was sick and it was all my fault.

"I'm sorry guys!" I yelled, so everyone could hear me.

I would repeat what they said back, but let's just say, language.

I made sure everyone was in bed and buckets were next to every bed.

I felt like the nun in that movie I watched, Madeline. Don't know why Deadpool recommended that, but I liked it.

Bucky, Tony, and I didn't eat the pancakes. So we were on bucket duty.

Luckily no one had to use the restroom the other way.

We ran around the Avengers HQ for hours until everyone was asleep.

We crashed on the couch and decided never to have a pancake Friday again.

LOL, Can u tell I ran out of ideas again? Kinda in a slump especially with school in the way.

Hope u enjoyed! Follow me, Vote, and Comment!💕

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