Chapter 13: Surprise Birthday

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My head was pounding by the time we finished playing Halo. The latest i've ever stayed up was 3 in the morning while I was on patrol. But now it was 7 in the morning. I looked around the room and everyone was wide awake drinking coffee.

"You guys have a lot of energy, wow." I exclaimed, pretending to not be too tired.

"Well yeah, we slept during the day yesterday because we knew the meeting was gonna be late. Plus we hardly get to play Xbox." Nat explained.

Crap, they slept, that's why. I haven't slept since 3 days ago. I was thinking about joining the Avengers the whole time.

"Did you sleep, Peter?" Bruce asked, with concern on his face.

"Yeah, I did. I had a 5 hour nap yesterday so I'm fine." I lied.

"You sure? Your eyes look red and you have dark circles." Bruce examined me.

"I'm fine Bruce. Just fine." I said, slightly irritated.

"He's right, Peter. Go sleep. Sorry to keep you up all night like this." Steve said.

"It's okay, I'm fine." I rubbed my eyes as they began to burn.

"No. Let's go pal, off to bed." Tony grabbed my hand and I was too tired to protest.

"Can I sleep in here?" I stopped him.

"Why?" He asked.

"I don't wanna be alone." I said, using my famous puppy dog eyes.

"Okay." Tony mumbled.

He laid a blanket over me as I laid on the couch. I snuggled up and fell asleep in seconds.



Once the kid was fast asleep I walked over to my desk to check what was on my calendar.

Oh crap. Tomorrow is the kid's birthday! His 16th!

I ran into the kitchen where everyone else was and screamed/whispered.

"Guys! Tomorrow is Peter's birthday! We need to plan something for him now!" I screamed/whispered.

"Okay. I'll order a cake and get balloons. Steve, get presents, Bruce help Steve do that. Wanda and Vision, you two go get decor, and me and Tony will distract the kid." Bucky said.

We all stared in shock.

"Buck, what the heck? When have you ever planned a party?" Steve asked.

"For you, dumbo! Think I'm stupid or something?" Bucky scoffed.

"Wow, okay. Me and Clint will distract the kid, cause Bucky you scare Peter." I explained.

"I do? I'll talk to him about that." Bucky said.

Within the hour we bought everything we needed. Peter wasn't gonna wake up for a while though.


I woke up and felt like it was a whole other year. I looked at the time. I had slept for 5 hours! That's the most sleep I've gotten all week!

I stretched and yawned. I looked around to see no one.

I walked around the house and no one was here. I thought they would maybe wake me if they were gone.

Suddenly Tony ran in and yelled.

"Peter! You have to come out here! It's an emergency!" He said grabbing my hand.

My heart began to beat quickly.

He took me outside and balloons and confetti exploded.

My heart beat faster from the shock.

"Happy Birthday Peter!!!" All the Avengers yelled.

"Wh-Ho-" I began and then looked at Tony.

He was smiling and hugged me.

"Mr. Stark, I even forgot my birthday." Tears formed in my eyes because every year at school no one even wished me happy birthday, my aunt would forget because she was so tired from working all day.

"Hey! Kid! Don't cry!" Tony laughed and hugged me. The other Avengers ran up to comfort me.

"This means a lot to me guys." I wiped my tears and hugged them all.

"Of course why would we forget your birthday?!" Nat asked.

"Everyone does." I choked.

"Really?" Tony asked in shock.

"Only my best friend knows. I don't have a lot of friends." I wiped my nose embarrassed.

"You have us pal, but I guess we're more like family, right?" Steve hugged me and smiled.

We partied for a good 5 hours. Tony thought it was a good idea to serve alcohol at a 16 year old's birthday party, but given my past, I stuck with soda.

It was midnight when everyone was wasted but Steve, Bucky, and I.

"I'm gonna go to bed, we can clean up in the morning." I said to Bucky and Steve.

"Okay, kid." Steve said, walking to his room.

I began to walk to my room but Bucky stopped me.

"Wait!" He said, lightly pulling me back.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, I was talking to the others while we were planning your party and Tony said you were scared of me. Is that true?" He asked.

I was taken back. He may look big and mean but this guy is really just a big teddy bear!

"Of course I'm not afraid of you! I was intimidated at first, sure. But I'm not scared of you! Your great!" I smiled and he smiled back.

"Thanks. By the way, you're gonna love your new present." He said and got up and walked to his room.

"Present?" I said to myself.

I thought I opened all my presents?

I looked around and saw a box with my name on it. Tony really went all out on wrapping paper.

I opened it and saw the most incredible suit ever.

Then it spoke.

"Hello, Peter." The voice said.

"Karen?! Is that you?! What are you doing in there?!" I said to my AI, Karen.

"Tony made this suit for you, he calls it the Iron Spider. What do you think?" She asked.

"Tony gave this to me before and I turned him down." I said.

First thing I'll do in the morning is thank Tony. But for now I gotta catch some ZZZZs.



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