Chapter 2: Becoming Spider-Man

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It's been 2 weeks since that spider bite turned me into Spiderman. It's only been 2 days since I started fighting crime. Life can change in an instant. My Uncle Ben never lied about that.

Aunt May has still been seeing Tony and it still gets me shaken up. I know it's her life and she can date who she wants. But every time they kiss or stare at each other, I feel sick. Not because they're in love. But because she used to do the same things with Uncle Ben.

I know she misses him, as do I. Maybe this relationship is just a phase and it won't last forever. But May isn't one to go through phases, she's one to set a goal and never give up. That's what scares me.

"Peter, be nice to Tony and do as he says." Aunt May said as she grabbed her keys and came over to kiss me on the forehead and cheek. Knowing her, she showered me with kisses.

"Okay, Aunt May, okay." I said, pulling her away.

My Aunt is going out of town for a month. She's going to Hawaii with a bunch of her friends. She said Tony was more than happy to hang out with me. Obviously I wasn't too keen on the idea of spending a 1/12 of a year with this guy.

"I'll take good care of him May." He kissed her as she made her way to the door. And like that, she was gone.

"So, Pete. You wanna head over to my place?" He asked.

"Sure, let me grab my things." I said.

I ran up stairs and grabbed 3 suitcases. 2 for clothes and 1 for books. Since I'm sort of a bookaholic.

"Woah. What you packin'?" He asked.

"Clothes and books." I said.

"Okay. Let's get going." He led me to the limo and had his driver put my bags in the back.

I got in the limo and he sat right beside me. I stared out the window already missing my Aunt. He must have noticed.

"I know you're gonna miss her kid. I will too. But we'll have fun." He smiled.

The reason I was already missing her was because I've never been away from her for so long. I used to go to sleepovers as a kid and would call her in the middle of the night because I felt so homesick. Why was I so like that? I don't know. But I still am.

"You know, I used to go to sleepovers as a kid and miss the heck out of my mom. I would call in the middle of the night and she would be there within minutes." He said. As if he read my mind.

"I did the same." I admitted.

"I know it's tough being away from the people you love, but you'll get used to it." He said.

My chest felt heavy. I wasn't gonna cry in front of Tony. So I looked out the window and let the tears fall. But of course he noticed as always.

"Come here kid." He pulled me over and I buried my face in his neck.

Luckily, the tears lasted a few seconds until I took in a deep, shaky breath and continued looking out the window.

I could feel Tony's eyes glaring at me. I knew he was worried, but I was certainly not going to be a depressed child that missing their auntie. I needed to stay strong. I'm Spider-Man!

When we arrived to Avengers Tower (formally Stark Tower), I got out of the car and sighed. This was going to be my new home for a month. This was gonna be like summer camp. Which, again, I never went to.

"Do all the Avengers live here?" I asked.

"All except Thor. He's living with Jane, his girlfriend." He explained.

"There's a ton of floors." I gasped.

"Have you never seen it before?" He asked.

"I have, but not from down here." I almost gave away my secret.

"What do you mean? Where were you when you saw it?" Dang it.

"I was in another building. Way up. But down here, I feel like an ant." I laughed.

"Oh." He said. I sighed in relief.

"Well, let's go up." He said with a smile.

We made our way to the 70th floor. For some reason my heart was racing. I guess all the excitement of being able to meet the real Avengers led up to me panicking.

Panic attacks happen once in a while. But they only ever happen when I'm stressed from school. My worst panic attack happened when Uncle Ben died. It was an ongoing problem. It was like a nightmare that never ended.

I took a breath to calm myself down. Luckily it did.

"So most of the Avengers live with me. Is that okay with you?" He asked.

"Are you kidding?! Of course! I've always dreamed of meeting them." I smiled.

"Good. I like a kid who has dreams. Some kids just give up early on." He said.

I heard a ding and the elevator jolted to a holt.

"Welcome to mi casa." Tony smiled and held open the elevator doors with one arm, making room for me to go first.

I heard music pounding and looked to see where it was coming from. It was Scarlett Witch. She was laying on her bed and nodding with the beat.

Then I heard shouting. I turned to go towards the living room, everyone was watching a football game.

"This so called football is very pleasing. But I don't see the point of using a foot." Thor said with a smile. He's just as awesome in real life.

"Shut up big guy, and sit down!" Black Widow yelled. She's just as hot in real life!

"Everyone! I want you to meet my girlfriend's nephew, Peter Parker." Tony introduced me to the group of Avengers. Scarlett Witch had just come into the room.

"Nice to meet you Peter." Captain America said, shaking my hand.

"N-nice to m-meet you." I shook his hand in awe.

"So, I hear you like science?" Bruce Banner, aka my hero, asked.

"Oh my gosh! Y-you're Bruce Banner! I've loved all your work! I'm such a huge fan!" I said, shaking his hand.

"Thanks kid, you can come to the lab and work with me and Tony any time." He offered.

"Oh-yeah! Of course! Thank you!" My voice cracked from the excitement, and puberty.

"You're cute kid, where you from?" Black Widow asked me.

"Q-queens, ma'am." I said, feeling myself blush for no reason.

"Let me show you your new room." Tony led me to the hallway and we entered a huge room with a tv, couch, table, queen size bed, and a beautiful view of the city with a balcony. Perfect for Spider-Man.

"Make yourself comfortable and come out when you're ready. We're making spaghetti." He said, then shut my door.

I looked around the room, still in awe. I put up all my clothes and payed on the bed.

Maybe 1/12 of a year here won't be that bad.



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