Chapter 14: DOOMSDAY

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I woke up the next morning and it was only 7 am. Mr. Stark and the others were definitely still sleeping. I wanted to thank Mr. Stark for making me the Iron Spider suit. So of course, I snuck into his office. 

In his office were files and files of villains, I remember touring the place and him telling me about it. I wanted to capture one that was hard for them to ever capture. I looked through every file I saw. And the one with the sticky note on it that said, "#1 Target." was Doom. Dr. Doom.

I remember Dr. Doom being the Fantastic Four's main problem. But he hasn't been seen around much. So what better time to attack then now? A sneak attack he would never see coming! It's gonna be awesome! Mr. Stark will be so proud!

I found where he lived and put on my Iron Spider suit. I looks amazing! I snuck out the door and stole one of Mr. Stark's cars. Of course, I can't drive yet, so I put it on autopilot.

The car ride was about an hour and the day was nice and cool. Perfect day for kickin butt! 

When I got there, the car parked and I ran to the front gate. I climbed the walls and made sure I didn't see anyone. This guy has no guards or anything, weird.

All of a sudden, robotic soldier things popped out of no where! One grabbed my foot and swung me around. Luckily my webs in the Iron Spider suit are 10x better than the original suit! I took down all the robots I saw. 

Then I saw a figure. The sun was too bright to make out who it was. I began to worry. Not because I couldn't see who it was, but because the sun was so bright! That means the Avengers are most likely awake now! Mr. Stark and Mr. Rogers are going to be pissed!

I then saw who it was. Dr. Doom.

"Spider-Man. What are you doing on my grounds?" Doom asked, in a very Doomy voice.

"I came to turn you in, pal!" What am I saying?!

"Haha! Turn me in? You are nothing but a child! What are you, a girl?!" He yelled.

"I'm not a girl! I'm a boy! I mean a man!" I said, but my voice did crack a little.

"Prepare to meet your Doom! Child." He snickered.

I'm not gonna lie, I think I wet my new suit a little bit.

He started to attack and I shot at him with webs.

He got webbed up so easily, weird.

I knocked his head around and he passed out.

"To Mr. Stark we go." I smiled and carried him to the car.

He was awfully big, he could barely fit in the car!

"You really need to lay off the burgers, Doom." I joked as I finally got the car door to shut.

When we got back to the Avengers Mansion (what I like to call it) I took Doom out and put a sheet over him to surprise Mr. Stark.

"Peter?! Where have you been?! We've been worried sick!" Tony ran up and hugged me, ignoring the giant thing covered in a sheet.

"I saw your present and decided to repay you." I smiled.

"You saw my gift?" His face lightened up a little.

"Yeah! So, I went into your office and looked through all the villains files. I saw your "#1 Threat" and I decided to bring him in.

"Pet- You didn't." He backed up slowly.

"I did." I smiled.

I ripped off the sheet and there was Dr. Doom, wrapped in my webs.

"Kid, that won't hold." Sam said.

"Well, he was easy to take down. What's so thre-" 

All of a sudden, Doom ripped out of my webs and put me in the chokehold.

"This child disturbed me. So let me disturb you!" Doom yelled and threw me across the room.

Tony ran over. I was expecting him to help me up, or at least say get up to fight. But no.

"Stay down kid, you've caused enough trouble." That's all he said.

I sat there, watching the people I love being swung in the air, and them shooting at Doom. It was all MY fault.

They shot at him for what felt like forever. They finally got him arrested, and by arrested, I mean SHEILD came and took him away.

"Who did this?" Fury was well, furious.

"Liste-" Tony began.

"WHO DID THIS?!!!" Fury yelled.

"It wasn't his fault." Tony said.

Fury looked at me and walked over.

"Stand up, punk." He said, while looking extremely angry.

I did as I was told and he grabbed me by the collar and it made my heart jump.

"If you ever do something like this again, you can kiss the Avengers goodbye." Fury let me go and walked into his helicopter and flew out.

All the Avengers looked at me and shook their heads. Even Mr. Stark. My hero.

And there I was right where I began. ALONE.



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