Chapter 9: Bullies

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As soon as we were done eating, I got up and made sure Tony followed me. We went outside to the balcony after telling everyone we'd be right back.

"What you need, Katniss?" Tony asked.

"There's something going on with Peter." I started.

"There's always something going on with Peter, be more specific." He urged.

"He's being bullied, Tony. He was drunk because he wanted to show off to a girl, but he didn't want to drink until he was drunk. Some kid named Flash made him. He said they always bully him." I explained.

"Seriously? He's being bullied? Why didn't he say anything?" Stark asked.

"Maybe because he's just getting over puberty and he's a growing teenager. Plus, kids find it embarrassing." I said.

"Okay. I'll try talking to him." He said.

"Thanks, Stark. He needs it." I said.

He nodded and we walked back inside.


"Peter! Come here." I yelled to the boy.

"Yeah, Tony?" He asked.

"Clint has informed me that there's been something going on at your school." I said.

"Like what?" He asked.

"Maybe bullying." I said.

Peter looked at Clint in shock and looked back at me.

"He's wrong. There's nothing going on." Peter sighed.

I looked over at Clint and he shook his head.

"No, Peter, tell him what you told me!" Clint yelled at him.

"What's going on?" May asked.

"Stay out of this Aunt May." Peter said.

"You don't talk to me like that young man!" She yelled, "Now what's going on?"

"Go ahead, Pete. Tell them." Clint said.

"That night I was drunk, I went to a party. I saw Liz, this girl I like at school. I wanted to impress her by drinking. Just one drink! But then Flash Thompson urged me on. He basically forced me. I really didn't want to, but he made me." Peter sighed, looking at the ground.

"Peter. Why didn't you tell us this?" May asked.

"Because...well...I don't know! Just leave me alone!" He yelled and ran out side and put on his suit, then began swinging from building to building.

"I'll go find him." I said.

I put on my suit and followed him.

"FRIDAY, help me out here." I said to my new AI.

"I have him on heat scan sir. I found him." FRIDAY responded, showing me where he was.

He wasn't moving, he was just sitting on a building.

I landed on the building and sat next to him.

"So, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Leave me alone." He sniffed.

"No. Cause you're not alone. Okay?" I said.

He nodded.

"Let's get home."


The next day quickly became the worst day of school yet. Flash got in trouble cause my Aunt called.

All of a sudden, he ran up to me and beat me until my face was numb.

"You idiot, Parker! We wanted to have some fun but you had to be a snotty brat and tell on us!" That's when the kicking started.

"I'm sorry Flash." I wheezed out.

"Don't apologize, Parker. Just know that you're a nobody, loser. And no one loves you!" That's when I broke.

"You know what Flash?!" I yelled.

I spun a web and slung him to a wall. I climbed onto the walls and began to spin him around like a fly caught in a web.

"Parker, y-you're...Spider-Man!" He said, shocked.

Everyone in the halls took pictures and were in pure shock.

Liz was there too, but she looked disappointed.

I climbed down and ran out of school. What have I done. I just gave away my secret. I'm in so much trouble.

I swung to the tower and walked to the elevator. I felt my heart clinch and unclinch and then I felt like throwing up.

The elevator opened and everyone was there. I immediately ran to the trash can and threw up.

"Are you okay, Peter?" Tony asked, rubbing my back and people rushed over.

"They know." I whispered.

"What? Who knows what?" Steve asked.

"Flash started to beat me up and I got mad. They know I'm Spider-Man." I said. Then I felt everything snap.

"I-m soooo sorry!!!!" I sobbed and grabbed onto Tony.

"Shh, it's okay Peter." Tony rubbed my back as I broke down.

"Baby, it's okay. We'll figure it out." Aunt May said.

"Noooo! I ruined everything!" I sobbed harder than a child. A tantrum was close to coming.

"Come here." Aunt May said.

I let her hold me on the couch and I sobbed into her lap.

What have I done? How can this go away? What if it just doesn't?

"We've got a plan, Peter. It'll work, we promise. Now get some sleep, kid." Tony kissed my head and I felt my eyes droop, soon, I was asleep.


"What's the plan, Tone?" Steve asked.

"You'll see." I smiled.

Got any ideas of what the plan is? Comment!!!!!

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