Chapter 35 Forward

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All was quiet in the emergency room of the North Georgia Memorial Hospital. Major had been stabilized but they kept him in intensive care. Everyone, except for Aiden, was either on a chair and sofa in the room, sleep. Aiden sat in a corner on the far side of the room from everyone. The engagement ring in his pocket burned his soul. He was so weary, so hurt and grieved.

The trauma of the night played back in his mind like a ghastly horror movie. Recalling Major vomiting, soured his stomach. My, God. Aiden's whole body felt like it was short circuiting. He sat, slumped over with his face in his hands.

Why should I blame her for returning the ring? Why should I subject her to my crazy life? "I don't know how long it's going to take me to get over all of this." I could have killed Billy. Jas is right, this is too much for her. I can't put her through this.

Aiden stood up and wrapped his arms around himself in pain knowing what he was about to do. He quietly walked across the room. Jas was lying next to Nanna sleeping so peacefully. Aiden gazed down at her, feeling all the love that he had for her.

His mind raced across time, flashing all the happy moments they'd shared during the last few months. Aiden felt the love and security she'd given him in bed, and the comfort of her embraces.  He wiped the tear that slid down his face.  Aiden leaned down and kissed Jas softly on the cheek. "Bye, babe."


The Apple Blossom Inn had become like a mausoleum over the weeks that had passed. Sadness was thick in the air. The two most important people that brought light and laughter within the walls of the inn were in grief. Nanna couldn't bear the depression that had come over Jas.  No one had heard from Aiden and Flannery was gone.  The Sparkman's had stayed as long as they could to help Nanna with Major's recovery, but had since gone back to Chicago. Bruce, Michelle and Ella came by during the week to check on them.  They picked up the slack of helping to monitor the staff while Jas grieved for Aiden, and Nanna grieved for Jas.

Nanna and Major were taking their evening stroll. He had Nanna securely tucked under his arm. She leaned all of her weight on him because she was just wearied.

"Major, I can't handle this anymore. She's not eating and crying nearly all day and all night. It has broken my heart."

He kissed the top of her hair, and gave her a gentle squeeze.  "Arabella, I'm going to stand by you in whatever you want to do to handle this. But do I have your permission to tell you what I really think?"

Nanna blinked up at him. 

"You really may not want to hear what I have to say. I'll hold my peace if you don't want to hear it."

"Why do I get the feeling that this is not going to be good," Nanna said dryly.

Major led Nanna over to one of the two seat swings on the property. They sat and she leaned her head on his shoulder. "Tell me, my love."

"Let's go, Nanna. Let's go to Dallas. Let's get married. Let's live."

Nanna looked up with great sadness in her eyes. She really didn't know how to handle what Major said. It wasn't complicated. It was very simple – move on. Nanna knew that he wasn't trying to hurt her or disrespect Jas.

"Is it really that simple, Major?"

"No, it's not that simple," he said kissing her on the cheek. "But it's the best choice. We have to leave, Jas and Aiden to God. We can pray that God will fix them." Major reached down and took her hands. "You and I don't have years left to waste.  This sadness is hurting all of us. I want to live, Arabella. I want to live happily with you."

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