Chapter 23 Truth

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Aiden woke up finding the love of his life sprawled across him. It was the best feeling in the world. The fever had finally broken after several days. She had the covers pulled up to her shoulders. "Thank God," he whispered. Aiden was so excited that he couldn't let her sleep. He needed to see his Jas back. He tapped her on the shoulder. "Babe."

She stretched, her eyes blinked open. Then she smiled. Aiden's heart nearly stopped from joy. "You're okay."

"I'm fine. Thank you and Anna for being here."

He couldn't stop kissing her face enough. He drew her into his arms and held on as if tomorrow wasn't coming. She rested contentedly with him, pondering what she'd gone through over the last two weeks. With detox, everyone's experience was different. Unfortunately, she'd had the worst end of the spectrum. "It's over, Aiden."

"Yes, it is. You're going to need to take it easy. I don't want you doing anything."

"You're right. Did you tell Nanna?"

"Yes. Nanna has been praying for you and is proud of your decision."

Jas squeezed Aiden's hand. "Good. You know what I'd like right now?"


"Take a hot bath."

Aiden smiled. "That, we can do."


"We did it!" Nanna shouted, startling Major. She and Major had just come back from lunch. She walked passed the reception desk and the clerk had handed her the mail. The first royalty check from The Apple Blossom Inn Pies had come in.

"What is it, Arabella."

"It's $175,000 from the pies. That Aiden is a genius. Look at this."

She slipped the report into Major's hand. His eyes widened as he saw the list of stores that were now servicing the pies. Aiden's company had successfully gotten The Apple Blossom Inn Pies in major grocery store chains and boutique shops across the country. "Unbelievable," he said. "This is a runaway hit, darling."

Nanna was so overwhelmed that she leaned against Major and started crying. He gently rubbed her shoulders. Nanna was so choked up. "I've always worried about how I was going to take care of Jas and this inn if anything had happened to me. Now her future is secure, whether we keep the inn or not."

It was very unfortunate that Bruce walked in just as Nanna said, "whether we keep the inn or not." He hadn't heard anything else. His blood pressure soared to the heavens when he saw her leaning against that man...

"Crying! You have her crying." Bruce stomped across the room inches from Major's face. "You better have an explanation for Nanna crying, Beauregard. Hell will freeze over before this inn is sold."

Nanna was slack jawed. "Bruce!"

"I knew that I should have come over here today. I just knew it." Bruce pushed Major away from Nanna.

"Now, see here young man," Major bellowed.

"Bruce, wait Bruce. It's not what you think. You've got everything all wrong." Nanna quickly stepped between them. She had never seen Bruce that angry. She was frantic. "Stop it, Bruce!"

"I promised Jas that I'd look out for you. I've done the best that I can. If something happens to this inn while their gone I can never forgive myself."

"Young man you need to listen."

"Beauregard, I'm inches from ending your life. You need to stay out of this."

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