Chapter 20 Bad Beauregard

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Deanna stood in the lobby of Ross Enterprises talking with the receptionist, Tara. She'd been in New York almost two months. Troy had finally reached his limit and ordered her back to Chicago. Her heart was very heavy as she thought of the night she'd seen Aiden and the woman at Delmonico's. How could they be that close, breathing the same air, yet not being able to connect? Maybe it was not meant to be. As soon as the thought surface she forced it away. It was Wednesday, and in a last-ditch effort she'd hope that he would show up for the staff meeting. He didn't.

Tara saw the woeful look on Deanna's face. She wished it was something that she could do. "I'm sorry things didn't work out for you."

"Seems to be the story of my life."

"Like I said, the only time I saw him and the lady that you mentioned was one day when I was coming to work, but they were leaving."

"Do you remember anything about the girl?"

"Only that she was really pretty and they were laughing. He waved to me and then they got on the elevator."

"That's good to know. Whoever she is makes him happy."

Tara smiled at Deanna. She's got to be his mother. Thinking of the first time they'd met, she recalled how it was her main concern to find out if Aiden was happy. Only a mother would be that concerned about his happiness. "You don't have to answer this, but you're his mother, aren't you?"

Tara's words startled Deanna. She didn't know what to say. Then she realized by not saying anything she was affirming it anyway. She sharply drew in her breath, then slowly exhaled. "Yes."

Tara saw the emotional strain on Deanna's face. It was tugging on her heart. She buzzed someone from the back office to come up front. "An emergency has come up and I need to leave."

"We'll call in for a temp to cover the rest of the day, Tara."


She left the office and nodded for Deanna to follow her. This poor woman needed some help. Tara could feel the sorrow flowing from her.

"God, bless you, Tara," said Deanna as they stepped into the elevator.


During the last few weeks Nanna's romance seemed to have been clipped and she was so agitated about it. Bruce would show up all times of the day or night. If it wasn't him, it was Michelle. She didn't like having to shuffle Major around to keep them from running into him. "I'm just checking on you," Bruce would say, "You know Aiden and Jas asked me to make sure you were okay." In order, not to stir things up, she went along with it. Now, Nanna was wearied. She knew that Michelle must have told Bruce something and was actually surprised that she'd kept things quiet for as long as she did. When she saw, Bruce come through the door she decided to address the matter.

"Good evening, Nanna."

She nodded. "Bruce."

He proceeded to sit down in the lobby as he always did. He picked up the evening newspaper on the coffee table and began to read. Bruce said the same thing he'd been saying for the last few weeks. "I'm just here to help, if you need anything."

Nanna snatched the paper away from Bruce. He looked up startled. "You're a little rascal, that's what you are. What did Michelle say that's got you showing up here any moment in my day?"

The emphasis on the word my, had Bruce's ears ringing. He knew this response was eventually coming. That infectious smile of his, lit his face. He innocently said, "What, Nanna?"

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