Chapter 19 His Love All Around Me

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Bruce couldn't take it another minute. Michelle had twisted and turned all night long. His wife was normally a sound sleeper. This had everything to do with Nanna because none of the unrest had started since the day she took Nanna to the mall. Things had gotten progressively worse.

Now when it was 6:00 AM and she should have been up getting the kids ready for school, she was out like someone had knocked her cold. He decided to take the kids to school and stop by the inn on his way back to the house. Jordy and Samantha thought it very odd that he was helping them to get ready, but they didn't give him any trouble.

Bruce felt that he needed to go back to bed after he finished helping them to prepare, comb Samantha's hair, make Jordy make his bed, cook breakfast, pack lunches and sign a ton of homework papers. Is it like this every morning? Bruce thought this pace was insane.

Plus, she'd always have the kitchen clean before he woke every morning. He frantically wiped the table down and shoved the dishes into the dishwasher. Then packed 2 arguing kids in the car, each claiming that they'd ride in the front seat. Bruce put them both in the backseat and told them to shut up.

Samantha scrunched her face. "Did daddy just curse?"

"I'm going to tell, mama," Jordy said.

Bruce threw his hands up and laughed. I'm exhausted. He knew he'd have to support his wife more.


Bruce arrived at Nanna's around 7:30. He felt so guilty coming that time of the morning. Michelle had told him of Nanna's late sleeping and having more leisure time since the inn was now fully staffed. He just couldn't take it anymore. He knew Michelle wouldn't like him stepping in, but he needed her normal again. The only way to get the truth out of Nanna was to confront her face to face. He'd promised Aiden that he'd take care of her.

When he walked in he expected to see some of the staff when the door jingled. After a few minutes, no one came. Bruce concluded they were either helping someone else or that the morning crew didn't show up until 8 or 9. So he decided to go to Nanna's quarters. He was just about to turn the corner when he heard Nanna, then a man's voice, followed by laughter. Bruce immediately stopped.

Then he carefully peered around the corner. His eyes bulged as the tall, silver hair, cowboy, kissed Nanna on the lips. Seeing the man wearing a bathrobe with a ranch logo on it slammed his heart to his chest. Oh, no – poor Michelle. Bruce slipped away as fast as he could before he was noticed. He couldn't even drive when he got to the truck. He leaned against the steering wheel, trying desperately to breathe.


Bruce was so much in shock that it took him 30 minutes before he was composed enough to leave the inn parking lot. He was elated to still see Michelle was sleep when he got home. Now he understood. He put his night clothes back on and slipped into bed, Nanna and the cowboy's kiss was burned into his cortex. Bruce shook his head. The weight of him stirred Michelle.

She glanced over at the clock and popped up. "Oh no, I'm late."

Bruce softly placed his hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, baby. I took them to school."

Michelle swung around her eyes big as saucers. That had never happened. " them to school."

"You were tired."

She stared at Bruce, speechless. When her own shock wore off, she asked, "Shouldn't you be getting ready to go to the dock?"

He leaned over and pulled her down until she was resting snuggly under his arm. "I'm staying home with you today. I don't want you to do anything but rest."

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