Chapter 28 The Surrogate

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Troy and Deanna relaxed in the two-seater swing by the lake's edge on Nanna's property. They were wrapped in a large fleece blanket and a fire pit nearby gave additional warmth. They could see Nanna and Major in the distance at the opposite end of the lake fishing. Major had invited them to a fish fry for lunch. Deanna had a pout on her face, which Troy paid absolutely no attention to. This time he'd put his foot down and she reluctantly submitted.

"I'm going to have to face him."

"It's not going to be today. We've already discussed this and I'm done with it, Deanna."

She huffed. "All right, Troy. You do know that you can't keep me from going down that road forever, right?"

"Deanna after what happened yesterday, you're not ready to see him. Perhaps the initial shock of seeing him and Myrna together will make the next step easier but you need a day or two. All right?" Troy worked so hard to keep the emotions out of his voice. He didn't want Deanna to know the rage he felt every time he thought about Billy. In his mind, he'd often imagined Billy Bob's face smashed in with a bat.

She nodded. Then she glanced across the lake and saw Nanna and Major laughing and having a good time together. She pointed towards them. "We're going to be just like them when all this is over."

Troy kissed the top of her hair. That thought warmed his heart. He longed to have his Deanna carefree and light hearted. He allowed that happy thought to wash over him. This was a good sign, she was thinking of the future instead of her past. It was a monumental moment.  "That's my girl," he said squeezing her hand. "What else do you see about our future?"

"I see Aiden with us. I see him with that woman, happy..."

"Speaking of that, I found out who the young lady is."


"Major and I were talking yesterday but with all the confusion of what happened I forgot to mention it to you."

Deanna turned towards him and smiled. "Who is she?"

"Her name is Jasmine and she's Nanna's granddaughter. She and Aiden have known each other all their lives. They're in love."


"But even better news, Nanna helped to raise Aiden."

Deanna was stunned. Her eyes bored into Troy's. He could almost see the processing of that thought going on in her mind. Her lips began to tremble. All of her life she'd worried about those years that she was apart from Aiden. She'd questioned her decision to leave him with his father a billion times.

She'd wondered if he would take on Myrna's vile traits being in her home day in and day out. Being with Nanna this short time, she knew what type of woman that she was – kind, considerate, loving and stable. Her body was suddenly flooded with joy.

"God made a way out for him."

"Beautifully so, darling."

"Nanna would have been able to provide the stability and security that I couldn't."

"She was his shelter from the storm. That's just beautiful."

"Oh, Troy that the best news ever. The absolute best news ever. That would explain why I feel him here. I can't explain it but sometimes when I walk down the halls I just know he's been there. It always felt more than what the private investigator told me, but I couldn't put my finger on it."

"So, Deanna, your hunch was right that he will probably be back here at some point."

"But when? Troy you've been so generous. I can't ask you to let me stay..."

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