Chapter 11 Taste of Texas

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Nanna didn't quite know how to act with the prying eyes of Jasmine miles and miles away. Twelve months, 14 days and exactly 21 hours ago she met the strikingly handsome, Major Stallworth, a supposed to be retired, Dallas rancher. He was too virile to quit. This was a man who jogged four days a week, at 85 years old. Major was his name and not his title. They were absolutely besotted. Nanna was so horrified by her "sins," of number one, seeking out a man, and number two finding that man on a website called Senior Love Connections. She never got the courage to tell Jas about Major.

How could she have possibly done, what she did? Nanna's generation believed that a man should pursue you. Nanna's generation believed that it was a sordid thing to talk to a stranger on line with the intent of striking up a relationship. It was simply inconceivable. She'd broken every rule of decorum that she lived under, and had schooled Jas to avoid. It made her feel like a hypocrite.

Plus, Jas had always considered Nanna technologically challenged when it came to computers. Nanna would tell her I may be old, but I can still learn this. Jas would treat her like a baby when it came to how to do thing, like use software and use apps. At first Nanna, would try to fight Jas, begging Jas to teach her. Later, she used it against her and would play dumb; meaning that anything that required computer usage was work that she could pass on to Jas. While at the same time she was using, You Tube to teach her how to become technologically savvy. That led her to the online dating world. She emerged herself in it. Now she felt like not only a hypocrite, but that she'd technologically betrayed Jas.

Her time with Major was normally confined to anytime she could slip away or a few hours of being on Face Time during the week, behind closed doors. She felt so guilty when Jas would hear them talking and laughing. Major was this larger than life guy that made her heart sing.

He looked like Sam Elliot in Western's back in the day. Tall, and had a strong chiseled face. His hair was still thick, wavy and silver. She loved being caught up in eyes as blue as Texas skies, over shadowed by thick brows. He had a silver horseshoe mustache and dimples in both cheeks. His deep, resonate voice made her heart stir as much as the romance novels she had tucked under her bed.

Nanna logged onto her Face Time app on her laptop. Her heart was pounding in anticipation of her first conversation with Major that would be safe from disruption. Today, she wouldn't have to hide. She could act as she truly wanted to act. She could dress up, fix her hair, put on make-up and wear jewelry for him. That's exactly what she did.

Nanna ran a red rinse through her hair trying out a new color, blow dried and styled it back to her days as a young woman. The make-up she wore was perfect, giving her a youthful glow. Today she'd wear a little black dress that had collected dust in her closet and adorn herself with a silver chain that had a single tear drop diamond on it and a beautiful diamond tennis bracelet that Harvey had given her on her 25th wedding anniversary. She leaned down and kissed the bracelet.

"I'm so happy, Harvey. I know you're smiling over us from heaven." She wouldn't have to be confined to her room either. Nanna picked up the laptop and headed for the Solarium that was in the east wing of the lodge. That room had the most amazing view and weddings were often performed there in the old days. Aiden had totally renovated the glass room. He selected furnishings that matched the grey and copper streaked mountains and then had the room filled with beautiful indoor plants. It was simply elegant.

"Perfect, no one is here," she said entering the room. Nanna slipped inside and sank down on the copper sofa. She placed her laptop on the large brown trunk that was used as a coffee table, and was about to connect with him. Then she remembered that she had the master keys in her pocket. She chuckled when she locked the door, thinking about Jas. Guess some habits are hard to break. But she really wanted some uninterrupted time with him and this would secure that purpose. Nanna walked back to the sofa and flipped open the laptop and hit the Face Time app. He immediately picked up. Nanna smiled.

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