Chapter 37: No Future

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"Raise the gates! Covering fire! And you're good to go."

Sarah and I both run out of the gates, paces steady and in sync, although Sarah is actually happy about this run. Me, on the other hand... well, the angry scowl on my face shows how I'm feeling fairly well.

"So, Runner Eight, Runner Five, the mission brief is-Oh, God. I sound like Janine, don't I?" Sam asks, sounding a bit horrified. I would normally laugh, but the annoyance and anger bubbling in my chest keeps me from doing so. "The aim today is-no, I can't do that either-"

"Just spit it out, Sam," I snap, and Sarah looks at me with raised brow.

"Aw, come on, Five. You seriously can't be-"

"If this sentence is going where I think it is, I suggest you stop there."

"Look, I'm sorry for making you go on a run when it's Valentine's Day, but we got some intel-"

"Valentine's Day?" I repeat. "You think I'm mad about running Valentine's Day? No! I'm mad because I'm going on a mission on Milo and Willis's birthday! I promised them I wouldn't be running today, and here you are sending me, when you could've asked any other runner to go with Sarah. But no, you had to ask me. The only way I'm not getting the silent treatment when I get back is because I promised the boys I'd tell them about whatever adventure I go on today. So this better be important."

"It is, Five. It is. I wouldn't have sent you out if it wasn't. One of the outlining settlements picked up a transmission from one of Van Ark's men. They're transporting some audio equipment through Hamling Fountain Park today; Probably to do with the tone signal control of the zombies. And uh, well we want you to-"

"Spy on them?" Sarah interrupts. "What would make you think I'm the right person to send on an assignment like that?"

"Well, you've always had a bit of a spy vibe to you, you know," He answers. "I mean, just that you're a crack shot and sort of secretive and uh, that sort of thing."

A hint of a smile flashes across her face. "Before the apocalypse, I just had an ordinary office job. Just a boring, bureaucratic job."

"Isn't that what you're supposed to say if you're a spy?" He laughs.

"Maybe, but it's also what you'd say if you did have a boring office job. How do we know this isn't one of Van Ark's traps?"

"Ah, yes. Nearly getting captured or killed will be a lovely tale to tell the children," I say, sarcasm practically dripping off my lips.

"You're still really horrible at sarcasm, you know," Sam says. "And I'll be honest, Eight, we don't know. But don't worry. We've got a lot of cams in place around the fountains. We'll spot any trouble before it sees you."

Sarah nods. "And what are they showing you right now?"

"Uh, hang on... Yeah, just a few fountains-or well, you know, nozzles where the fountains used to be before all the water got cut off."

"No sign of anyone around yet?"


Eight glances over at me with a determined look on her face. "Then let's get there before they do."

I nod in agreement, pushing my legs to go faster. The Fountain Park isn't too far away, I don't think. I've only passed it a few times while heading in this direction to collect supplies. But I want to get this done with as quickly as possible. I understand that this could be important; It just depends on what we hear, but you can do important things quickly.

I'm not exactly angry at Sam for calling me to do this mission, and I believe him when he says he only asked me to do this mission because of its (potential) importance, but I still hate that so often I have a mission like this when something is happening with the kids in Abel. I mean, Milo and Willis are turning thirteen today! I'm missing their birthday.

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