Chapter 10: Let The Dogs Come Out

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Black and warm and quiet. That's what surrounds me. Peace, no pain. Just warm darkness that is wrapped around me, giving me rest, keeping me safe. It's peace and calm and silent, which is exactly what I've been needing.

Then a pillow hits my face.

I jolt awake, sputtering and desperately clawing at the pillow that is in my face and mouth. Light shines into my eyes and the warmth that was once there is gone.

"Oi, Five, wake up," Jack says, sounding a little too harsh for my liking. Does this ass not realize I ran all the way here while feeling like absolute shit to find him (and other survivors but mostly him)? I'm not exactly a morning person, but I'm not grumpy either. But when a person suddenly throws a pillow at my face...

"Sorry." He raises his hands in surrender. "I tried just calling you, but you sleep like the dead. Although I guess that makes sense since you look like it. Simon told me about little treatments you got-sounded unpleasant. But still I can't believe you just zonked out as soon as you arrived."

I rub my eyes as he giggles childishly, and groggily I examine the couch I'm currently lying on... I don't remember ever lying down on this thing.

"In case you're wondering," He says as if reading my mind, "when I say as soon as you arrived, I mean that quite literally. The second you stepped into the door you fainted right into Simon's arms. Would've been cute if you didn't look like death and you know, if you two were compatible. But 'Gene's caught me up on some of the gossip, too, and there's a it seems there's still a certain radio operator the citizens of Abel Township want you to be with."

Oh, God. Do I really have to deal with this at this time in the morning? If I wasn't so tired I might have blushed, but I am tired, and annoyed, so I don't.

"Anyway, it's time to get up; We've got lots to talk about." He hands me my headset that I gave him yesterday. "Here, 'Gene's on for you. Simon gave me his. I tell you, if these things would fit better, none of this would have happened. Mine wouldn't have fallen off, I could have radioed you guys weeks ago, and I wouldn't have had my ear chewed off last night. Anyway, speak of the devil-better put your ears on."

I sign out a 'thank you' and put on the headset as Jack slips on Simon's.

"I wouldn't have had to chew your ear off if Beatrix had actually radioed us like she promised," Eugene grumbles. "Now will you put Five on, you dolt?"

'Hi, Eugene,' I tap awkwardly.

"Oh, there you are," He says, sounding slightly embarrassed. "Morning. Uh, how's the signal, Jack?"

"Pretty clear. Do you want to get Five up to speed or..."

"No, go ahead."

"You can if you want to-"

"No, it's fine."

There's a few moments of awkward silence, and I send the redhead in front of me a raised brow.

"Oh, alright, so Powell-" They both start in unison before breaking off into laughter because of it. I simply roll my eyes at the two idiots, a small smile tugging at my lips.

"This is all much easier when I can see your face, you know," Eugene groans while Jack chuckles.

"Tell me about it."

"Maybe later. Anyways, um, here's the deal-" Eugene is cut off as the younger blonde enters the room. She smiles when she sees me, and practically beams when she lays her eyes on Jack.

"Mama wants your friend to come help too," She says quietly, calmly, poised. "If she is able."

I stand, again my pride getting the best of me. I feel better than I did yesterday, probably because I got ten hours of sleep or more, I think. It wasn't that late in the evening when we arrived, so I must've out for a long while.

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