Chapter 5: Walking On Broken Glass

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"Open the gates!" Sam commands. The alarm doesn't go off and we only have one sniper, but it almost feel like old times. "Runners set off. We want you a safe distance from Abel before this mission begins. So uh, good. Good day, Runner Five. Thank you for coming from New Canton for this experimental session so promptly."

'No problem,' I answer with furrowed brows. Why does he sound so stiff and... formal? It's weird and just not Sam.

"As you'll see, accompanying you are Runners uh..." His voice trails off as he searches through his papers and I give the two-well, in a way three-runners who are with me a raised brow. "Oh, Runners Three and Four."

"Uh, hi," Jody says with an awkward wave as she jogs, and Simon sends me a wide grin.

"Great to see you," He says.

'Yes, I know who these people are, Sam. If I didn't I would not be allowing Simon to have his hand wrapped around my wrist,' I answer, sending the said runner an amused glance. I'm unsure when this odd little habit started, but it seems every time I go on a run with Three he has his hand around my wrist as if he's leading me somewhere.

I've questioned it plenty of times, but Simon'a answer is a shrug and maybe an 'I'm not sure.' But either way, he's kept on doing it over the many missions we've been on, and since he's always so persistent on it for an odd unknown reason, I've just decided to give in since there really isn't much harm in except I can't reach up to grab my backpack strap as easily.

And I've gotten a bit more used to the physical contact since I now apparently have three children, so I don't feel as awkward.

"He's... um, never mind," Sam says, making my eyes go wide in surprise. Normally he'd want at least some sort of excuse or explanation. "Also in the communications booth with us for this official test today is the doctor."

"I really don't think you have to be like this," Maxine sighs.

"I'm just announcing the mission per protocol, Dr. Meyers, like I always do," He answers, and I scoff.

Maybe he's having a Freaky Friday moment with Janine.

"You're starting to sound like Janine," She mutters, making me giggle and Simon snicker.

"As I was saying, the doctor, and the Major has also joined us to witness our well oiled machine of command," He states with nervousness nearly dropping from his voice.

"Don't mind me," Major De Santa says calmly. "Just carry on as if I weren't here; Just observing you know."

"Not at all. Uh, we're just-yes, this is exactly normal. We're a highly disciplined workforce here. Carry on running. We need you a good distance from Abel before we begin today's mission."

"Yes, you've said," Jody remarks with an eye roll.

'Even if you won't tell us the focus on this mission just yet, can I ask you a question, Sam?'

"Yes, of course," He answers promptly.

'Why did we bring a dog with us?' I look down at the golden retriever running beside Simon. It yaps happily with its tongue out and eyes shining.


"Oh, yeah," Runner Three laughs. "I forgot to tell you I brought out Runner Seven's dog, Bonnie, out for a run too. She needs the exercise."

"I-I'm not sure I've got a form here for that," Sam stutters. "I uh, doesn't this sound kind of dangerous all around? Sending runners out with a dog?"

"Splendid idea," The Major says gleeful. "Dogs love a good run around, and the zombie virus has no effect on them."

"Oh, yeah."

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