Chapter 12: All I Want For Christmas

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It's snowing.

It's snowing like it would in one of those Christmas Hallmark movies.

Except I'm not in love with anyone, and no major miracle has happened, and I'm cold as crap and not actually enjoying the snow. But I'm not hating it as much as normal, because it's Christmas and it's hard to hate things on the day I celebrate the birth of Christ.

I run my tongue over my chapped lips, and blink back the tears the cold breezes keep calling. Most of everyone is inside the big building that was built for gatherings, but I'm staying behind. At least, for a few minutes.

I look down at the items in my hands-gifts. Gifts I won't get to give until tomorrow because yesterday and today are no mission days. It's not much; You never can give much in the apocalypse, and it's best not to expect much either, because well, it's the apocalypse. Material items used simply for moral aren't the number one priority, especially if that item is for one person only.

I haven't seen anyone yet, but I have a feeling I'm going to get some sort of gift. I don't expect it necessarily, but I've seen how a few of my friends have been smiling at me like they have something that they know I'll like-Summer especially. It almost frightens me.

My eyes cast down to the three gifts in my hand. I have more, but they weren't things I wanted to carry with me, and some of these I won't get to give out today anyway so I see no harm in not having two with me. But even with the gifts, I know what Christmas is truly about. I prayed for a half hour and thought about the story of God that I was told time and time again. I wish I could reread the scripture... but I can't.

I wipe at my watery eyes and runny nose with fingers that have gone numb. I should probably head back inside; Someone will come looking for me soon, and while I have nothing to hide, I'd rather not be first seen on Christmas with snot and tears running down my face. With a sigh that I can see from the cold, I start to head to the Christmas party. But then I see someone leave the coms shack.

And that person isn't Sam.

Nor Janine.

My brows knit and a frown graces my my face. I start my walk towards the mystery person who is currently standing just outside the coms shack, leaning against the door. I can picture a smile on their face, but the falling snow makes it a bit harder to see. I blink away as more tears fall down my face, making my skin sting with cold.

I finally get sight of the mystery person, and I can't help but tip my head to the side in wonder. What would Summer be doing in there?

I'm standing behind her, the crunch of snow being something she's missed. Since I don't have a voice yet, I can't exactly ask what she's doing, so instead I cross my arms and wait for that 'I'm being watched' feeling to kick in. It only takes a few second, and while I try to keep a straight face, I crack when she turns around and jumps three feet in the air after seeing me. After getting over the initial shock she sends me a stone hard glare while I simply keep laughing.

"Don't scare me like that." Her voice isn't loud but the harshness within her tone is sharp enough to cut a person. "This is Christmas, not Halloween."

'Well, you were the one who was sneaking around,' I sign back, raising a brow.

"I wasn't sneaking."

'Then why were you in the coms shack?'

She hesitates in replying, and I narrow my eyes in suspicion. "I was... waiting for your present. Also, I saw what you left for Sam in there. You not planning on giving it him at the party?"

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