Chapter 13: Chicken Payback

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"Look, I really don't think Runner Five's up to it," Sam says as I stand at the gate. "Not for the first mission based out of Abel Township. It's not my call, of course. Not gonna make decisions for someone else but..."

I feel a small smile spread across my face as I give a sidelong glance at my running partner. It's funny how protective he seems to be, even though Nadia will be nowhere near me or the coms today. But I guess it makes sense since I've been having less than great luck on my missions.

"I get it, Sam," Maxine agrees. "Really, I do, but the Major's been explaining how important working together with New Canton is. We've got that summit coming up-peace discussions. For the survival of the human race we have to share resources and experimentations, not keep on with this back biting, childish, tit for tat-"

"Childish tit for tat?" He repeats with venom in his voice. "Are you saying that deliberately trying to get Runner Five killed is just what? What is it, a game?"

I frown, shifting my weight grins one foot to the other. I want to tell him it's okay and I forgive Nadia for she tried to do, because I guess in a way I deserved it, but I don't. Because that just makes him angrier, because he knows about the words she said to me on that mission because I stupidly told him. I can't say anything near to the fact that I might have deserved what I got, even though a part of me believes it.

"We've got a larger enemy here," The doctor stresses calmly. "Van Ark is the one who attacked Abel; He's the one who fired that rocket launcher at Five's chopper; He's the one who keeps sending his fast zombies to attack us. He-he's got Paula."

I flinch. During one of the meetings we were to discuss more about the Jeffro Complex, and Archie told about the snippets I-well, Chrysalis-heard. Paula was mentioned... Maxine has been trying to keep us from seeing just how this affects her, but we all see the slivers of pain that flash across her face at times, and the way she tenses when we mention who might be working with him.

"Yeah. Yeah, I know," He replies, voice low. "How've you been... since we've found out Paula's um, working with Van Ark? I know it's not easy but... how are you?"

"Fine. Yeah, I'm-I'm fine." Her voice is clipped and professional and I can almost see the lie even though I can't see her face.

"Okay. Yep. Fine. Hearing that. Raise the ugh, raise the gates!" The gates open, but it still doesn't have the alarm, and we still haven't been able to fix the dents that are still  in it. Looking at it reminds me we aren't finished rebuilding yet, even though we are getting closer to getting it done. A few things are supposed to be getting worked on today, and the gate is one of them.

"Covering... fire. Go."

We race outside as Amber takes her shot at the zoms, hitting the target spot on. They fall down in sync, each within two seconds of each other. The thud of them hitting the snow covered ground almost creates a beat to the steady rhythm of our steps.

"I don't see why you're worrying," Maxine says. "New Canton have put Nadia under house arrest. They know what she did was wrong; They're trying to make amends in anyway that can."

"That's why they sent me!" Archie squeals from beside me. I'm surprised she's been silent for so long, but I think she might have been making a picture in the snow and her focus is what has kept her quiet.

"Yeah," Sam says in uncertainty, "I uh, is that amends, exactly? It's not quite-"

"It's going to be lots of fun today. We need barbed wire so we can make your township truly secure so we can all go to the peace meeting. And-and maybe we'll find some apples," She giggles. "I love apples-so crunchy. The old ones are soft and sweet. All apples are good apples."

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