Part 11

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Episode 11

Swara is sleeping in her room!!! At that time her mobile ringed!! With half open eyes she took the mobile and saw who it is!!! Seeing the caller id she became happy and on the call!!!

"Gud mrng princess still sleeping???"

"Yes sanskar!!! Yesterday night u didn't let me sleep!!!"(she is talking still laying in the bed!!! She kept her phone in her ears as she is sleeping sideways!!! She didn't open her eyes!!!)

"Oiii i didn't do anything with u then how come i didn't let u sleep??? "

"Yesterday night we were talking for more hours na!!! So i slept late only!!!"swara said with a pout!!!

"Ha ha princess what to do after ur proposal i can't stay quiet!!! The only solution of this problem is lets get married soon!!!"

"Ya nice idea!!! Then talk to ur family soon!!!"

"Sure!!! I will tell to my family after chadurthi!!! And one more thing princess don't pout when i am not around u okie!!!"

"Oii y i shouldn't pout??? And how do u know i am pouting???"

"Ha ha  the answer for ur second question is i knew everything about u!!! And the answer for ur first question is if u pout When i am not there then how come i will kiss u???"

"Sanskar y r u blabbering???" swara asked as she didn't understand sanskar's words in sleep!!!

"Ha ha princess i think u didn't come out of ur sleep still???"

"Yes!!! I am very sleepy!!!"

"Okie princess then sleep!!! And don't forget afternoon i am coming to ur house with shomi ma,shekar baba,bhaiya and bhabhi!!!"

"Aww shomi ma coming today???"

"Yes princess!!! Okie u sleep princess i will talk to u later!!!" sanskar said and swara said okie and cut the call and slept again!!! Sanskar too smiled and he went to cook breakfast!!!

Swara woke up after sometime and she got fresh up and went down!!! Pavithra is already angry on swara as she woke up late!!! Swara came and saw pavithra sitting and reading magazine!!! She wished her gud mrng and went to dinning table and sat in the chair and took the plate and opened the vessel only to see all are empty!!! Swara is shocked and shouted,"Maa what is this??? U didn't cook today???"

"No i cooked today and we all ate!!!"

"Then for me???"

"From today if u come late i won't give breakfast!!! Have that in ur mind and don't think u will come in afternoon and have ur lunck straight!!! If u think like that then i am sorry i won't give u lunch also!!! Still if u r hungry go and prepare urself!!!" pavithra said and swara became more shocked!!!

"Mom this is not fair!!! Wait i will complain u to dad!!!"

"Go ahead!!! He won't support u!!! If he does then his food will also be cut!!!"

"Huh hitler!!! I will go out and eat!!! What u will do???"

"Simple will cut ur pocket money and close ur credit card!!!"

"Huh ma this is not fair!!! Yesterday i was talking to sanskar!!! That's y i got late ma!!! And u also told this conditions now only!!! Pls ma i will follow this condition from tomorrow!!! Pls my sweet ma na!!!"

"Haan haan stop it!!! I know ur nautanki!!! Go to kitchen and see ur food is there!!! And remember if u didn't wake up early tomorrow then i won't give food!!!"

"Ha ha if u didn't give food i will go and eat in sanskar's house!!! He knows cooking!!! Oooo" swara showed her tongue out and thumbs down her hand and run inside the kitchen!!! Pavithra saw this and laughed!!!

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