Part 3

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Episode 3

Next day its seems to be a busy day for kulkarni's as their prince going to get a best business man award!!! All were very happy for Nitin..... They got dressed and came down except swara as she was taking time in getting ready!!! And also nitin didn't came down.... At that time they notice someone coming inside.... Seeing the person pavithra and sanjay was happy.... The person went and took blessings from pavjay.... The couple also blessed him....

"Praveen when did u come to India????" pavithra asked....

"Aunty Yesterday night i came...."

"What does my princess knows it??? If she knows that u didn't meet her then she will kill you.... U remember last time na she made u as her servant for 1 week just bcoz u didn't meet her immediately after u come here...."sanjay said....

"Ha ha how come i can forget that uncle!!! She is such a devil and yesterday night itself i met her uncle.... So no worries...." praveen said and all laughed.... At that time nitin came down.... He saw praveen and went and hugged him and welcomed him.... Then after some time swara came down!!! She is looking gorgeous.... Everyone saw her coming down!!!,"Huh at last she came down!!! Everyone got ready quickly but this girl always makes it late!!!" pavithra said....

"Ma pls my mood is very good!!!don't spoil it okie...." swara said sarcastically.... Pavithra glared at her!!! Before she says anything she dragged praveen with her and went from there!!! All laughed seeing it....  At that time swara shouted,"Dad i am going with praveen!!! U come with that hitler!!!" saying this she ran from there.... Others laughed while pavithra showed her fake anger..... Then all went to award function....

Sanskar also got ready to the function as nitin called him this morning and asked him to come.... Sanskar hesitated at first and refused to come but nitin compelled him to come.... So sanskar without any option got ready and went to the award function.....

Here in the award function everyone came..... Even rachita and her parents came.... All sat in their respective places.... Pavithra,sanjay,kishore and divya sat in one table.....  Rachita,Nitin,Swara and Praveen sat in other table.... Nitin now and then seeing the entrance.... Seeing it swara asked him,"bhaiyu what happened??? R u expecting anyone???"

"Ya mini!!! Actually i invited our new business partner here.... So waiting for him...."

"Waa!!! Bhaiyu u won't get friendly with anyone that easily??? How come u became friend with him this soon???"

"Bcoz i liked him!!! And i felt some connection with him mini!!! Thats y i invited him...." nitin said.... At that time he noticed sanskar coming inside.... Sanskar also noticed nitin.... Sanskar can see only swara's back!!! Nitin stood to invite sanskar but the function started so sanskar signed its okie i will sit here.... So nitin showed thumps up and sat in his place.... Sanskar sat far from them....

The award function started!!! Many got award in many categories.... Now its nitin's turn.... He went and received his award..... All are happy for him.... At that time sanskar got a call.... So he went out to attend the call.... Here nitin got the mike and said,"Thank you soo much for this award!!! I am very happy for this award..... I just want to dedicate this award to 3 ladies of my life!!! One is my ma pavithra kulkarni,next is my mini sister Swara kulkarni and the third one is my fiance Rachita Mehrotra..... Love u three...." nitin said and all the ladies has proud smile on their face.... Nitin came down he get blessings from his parents and sasural.... Then he hugged rachita,praveen and swara..... After that they started to give awards in some other category.... Swara felt bored so she turned to nitin and said,"Bhaiyu i am feeling bored so i am going out with praveen,bhaiyu...."

"Mini i don't have any problem!!! U just tell to ma and go okie...."

"Sure bhaiyu!!! As everyone are there surely ma will accept it...." swara said and winked her eyes.... Nitin laughed.... Then swara dragged praveen and went to ask permission to pavithra.... And without any option she too agreed.... Both came out happily.... At that time a waiter poured juice on praveen's coat mistakenly.... So he went to washroom to clean it.... Swara stood in the corner and is drinking juice.... At that time sanskar finished his phone call and turned to come inside.... He saw swara standing in the corner and drinking juice.... At one minute he thought he is just imagining her..... He went close to her.... Swara gets startled seeing him coming close bcoz sanskar is an unknown person to her.... He came close and touched her hand.... Then only he came to know he is not imagining.... Infact she is there.... Sensing she is present he just hugged her tightly and said,"Princess where were u??? I missed u soo much!!!!" hearing this Swara is shocked.... She don't know what to do.... Shocked is a mere statement.... She is just standing as a statue in shock.... At that time praveen who came back saw this and understood swara is not in sense.... He went to them pushed sanskar back.... Sanskar got angry and held praveen's collar....

"How dare u hug her???"praveen asked with anger and punched him..... Sanskar also is equally angry and beat him.... Both started to fight..... As they are in corner others can't see it..... Swara came in sense and saw them fighting.... She went to them and pushed sanskar and he fell down.... Swara turned to praveen and said,"Praveen whats this??? He only doesn't have any manners but what happened to u???"

"Oh swara!!!"

"Shut up praveen!!! U know i don't like fights!!! Now don't say anything.... See u r bleeding.... Come we will go to hospital...." swara said and went with praveen..... Sanskar is shocked with swara's statement.... He saw her going.... He ran behind her but missed her.... He felt disappointed,happy,sad,confused..... At that time he got a call from Nitin so he went to washroom and cleaned himself and made him presentable and called his detective and informed about this and asked him to find information soon and went inside....

Here swara took praveen to the hospital and got treated.... Though its a small wound still swara took him to the hospital.... Praveen felt happy seeing her affection.... After getting treated both came out.... Swara in absent mind she went and sat in the bench.... Praveen came and sat near her..... He held her hand and asked,"Swara what happened???"

"Don't know praveen!!! I am feeling some unknown emotion in my heart.... I can't express it buddy!!!"

"Y suddenly joker???"

"I don't know!!! Huh leave that come we will go to any hotel.... Now i am sooo much hungry!!!" swara said turning into her naughty mood.... Seeing it praveen too smiled and both went to have lunch!!

Here in the award ceremony sanskar came inside and saw Nitin.... As the ceremony has finished all are just standing in groups and talking.... So sanskar to went to them.... Nitin went and hugged him and asked,"Sanskar where u went???"

"Actually an urgent call came so went to attend it!!!"

"Oh!!! No worries.... Now come...." saying this he took him to the elders.... Seeing him sanjay hugged sanskar!!! Sanskar took blessings from everyone.... Pavithra is happy seeing him giving respect to everyone.....

"Ma,uncle,aunty,mom,dad this is sanskar.... My new business partner!!! He is the md of Karma industries...." Nitin said....

"Hello young man...." vishwa and kishore greeted him....

"In a such a young age u achieved a lot!!! I have heard a lot about u and its nice to see u in person...." kishore said....

"Thank u uncle...." sanskar said....

"Beta come we will go for lunch!!!" saying this all went to have lunch at that time nitin introduced Rachita to sanskar as she went to talk with her friends....

"Sanskar this is my fiance Rachita!!!"

"Wow man going to get married??"

"Ya!!! What to do i am going to fell in hell soon...." Nitin said playfully and rachita glared at him..... Nitin laughed and said he was kidding.... Sanskar smiled sadly seeing them and said,"No Nitin!!! Marriage life is such a wonderful one!!! Afted marriage there will be someone who cares u!!! Someone who loves immensely!!! Someone who just lives for u!!! Someone who scolds u when u do any mistake!!! In short u can tell that ur wife will be a next mom to u...." and had tears in his eyes.... Nitin and rachita too became emotional.... Nitin kept his hand on sanskar's shoulder and asked,"Sanskar what happened???" hearing this sanskar came to sense and wiped his tears nd said,"Nothing!!!"

"Sanskar if u want to share anything u can!!! We are there for u...."

"Yup sure Nitin.... And haan i don't want to make u all emotional with my story!!! Come we will go for lunch!!!" sanskar said and rachin understood and went for lunch.... After lunch sanskar and nitin came out.... At that time nitin said him,"Sanskar after 4 days its my engagement!!! U have to come for sure!!! I will intro u my sis.... Todya she went out with her friend.... So i will intro u her on that day and u have to come for sure!!!"

"Sure Nitin.... And congrats man.... Okie now i have some important work.... I will meet u soon" saying this sanskar went from there....

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I know its boring!!! Sorry for that.... And i assure u next chap will be interesting.... Post ur comments guys....😊


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