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Ellas POV

After a few days of observation I was released. Christian increased my security from 2 to 4 men following me and let me tell you it was such a nuisance. Derek was in charge of them and he was so demanding of their time. I hated it. I didnt go home to our place after the hospital because Christian wanted it to be fixed before we returned so we stayed at one of his many apartments. Now and then my ears would have a ringing sound but nothing serious.

For several weeks now I would be guarded by 4 security guards 2 would stand by my desk and 2 would stand by the elevator it was so annoying, sometimes I would bump into one of them. Even Martin was losing his patience with them and he even had a short temper with me. My work was being affected, by my lack of concentration. Martin would sent me a docment he wanted me to fix up correct all the errors, everytime I sent it back to him to check he would send it back with double the errors. He had a word with me one day saying my work was slipping and he wasn't sure if I was cut out for the job anymore. And kindly made the suggestion that maybe I needed to look for another job otherwise I needed to lift my standards and be better. I was so disappointed in myself. Martin had never ever talked to me the way he did. And Jonathan was right he had changed he was no longer happy or joyful. He was cold and angry I don't know if that was because of their divorce or what was going on with him. Some days I would go home and feel so defeated, with work and the security guards I would silently cry. I didn't tell Christian any of what was going on because I didnt want him to worry. He was already stressed with the bombing, trying to get the house fixed before we could go back and all at the same time his work load was enormous.

Christians POV

I had so much going on, I had Charlie chasing any leads with the bombing, I had builders and architectures working day and night trying to fix our house. And a mountain of work to get through but Thank god I had Shirley and my managers on all the important work so I could concentrate on everything else. The only thing I couldn't control was my wife she was quiet a lot lately and I don't know why.
Ella walked through the door
"Hi baby" I said as I reached out to give her a kiss and a hug but it felt so foreign. Like she wasn't really hugging me back she was just bearly hanging on.
"Hi, how is it going?" She asked as she glanced at the blue prints on the table that I was working on
"Good and how are you?" I asked while I lifted her chin so her eyes would meet mine. I could read her body language just by one look from her.
"Good" she said but as quick as she said that she glanced away
"I might go have a shower its been a long day" she said.
"Okay baby are you sure everything is alright"
"Fine baby" she gave me a smile, but I know that smile anywhere. That was her don't ask smile
As she walked off to the bedroom I watched as she closed the door. Something wasn't right. I walked into the kitchen to find Derek going through my fridge like always. I will never understand that brother of hers. I full up his cupboards and fridge with food of his choice but yet he still manages to eat both houses empty.
"Hey Derek"
"Oh hey" he replied not very welcoming
"So whats going on with your sister" I watched as his body stiffened from my question
"Um nothing" he replied. Yep there was definitely something they were hiding.
"You do know I employ you to update me with my wife's where abouts and everything that goes on with her right"
"Hmmm ok fine.... Martin was being a dick to her today I had to step in."
"What do you mean Martin is being a dick"
"Look man she didn't want you to know but since she went back to work Martin has been yelling at her and today was the last straw he threw a book and it just missed her. Thats when I stepped in and told him he was being a dick." He shrugged
"Why didnt she tell me?"
"Maybe because she didn't want you to fire him"
"Oh I'm so going fire his fucking arse for throwing a book at my wife"
"Look man just go talk to her"

I nodded and walked to our bedroom I heard the shower going so I walked in the bathroom she had her back to me the stream was fogging up the glass. I walked in took off all my clothes and stepped into the shower behind her. She jumped slightly not realizing I had stepped in. She had been crying her body was shaking. I turned her around and lifted her chin she looked at me with tears in her eyes and my heart broke. I didnt say anything I just held her close to me and kissed her under the shower while she cried. Then I grabbed the body wash and wash her body, then I washed mine. I turned off the shower stepped out and grabbed us both some towels. I tied mine around my waist while i wrapped hers around her body and picked her up bridal style and walked back to our bedroom. All the while not saying a word to each other. Her tears had stopped she stood watching me gather our clothes. I dumped them on our bed and then I dried her and dressed her then I sat her down on the bed with a blanket over her. Then I got changed and picked her up and sat her on my lap. Time to get some answers.
"So whats going on baby"
"Oh nothing"
"Baby I spoke to you brother he told me about an incident today with Martin"
"Its its not what it seems"
"Okay so what happened?"
"Um" she dropped her head thinking about what to tell me
"The truth"
After a long pause, she went to move off me but I wouldn't let her
"Martin said my work is slipping that its not of standard and maybe I should find a job some where else"
What the fuck did he say oh I was fuming I was so angry I wanted to throw her off me walk over to my phone and fire his ass. But I have to be careful she cared for him.
"Christian promise me you won't get involved"
"See baby I can't do that I can not sit by and see my wife come home upset and know that there is something I can do, but I will deal with this, I don't want you to worry about anything"
"Please tell me you won't hurt him"
"I won't hurt him intentionally"

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