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Ella POV

Christian was saying something to me but I kept shaking my head, I  couldnt hear a word he was saying to me. He was holding my face in his hands and looking me in the eyes. I was stretching my jaw my head hurt what just happened. I watched as the room was filled with smoke and bodyguards including Charlie come running in with their black suits white shirts and black ties. They were moving in my mind slowly behind Christian as he continued to speak to me. But my head hurt and I could only hear a ringing sound. Not a telephone ring but a screeching ring in my ear I covered Christians hand with my own and looked at him. "Sore"
I watched Christians mouth move again this time paying more attention
"Are your ears sore"
I nodded he picked me up bridal style and ran to one of his cars I watched as Charlie got in the drivers seat I continued to hold my ears and was pushed against Christians chest while I felt he was barking orders when the car finally pulled away from the garage. Christian kissed my head and held me tight. I felt liquid on my hands and when I pulled them away I saw blood I was in shock before another wave of pain hit my ears again. I silently screamed I wasnt sure if I was screaming or if my lips parted with no sound. What happened one minute I was enjoying my husband being himself carefree then a big bang and I watched as Christian pulled me to the side of the kitchen bench covering us from the smoke and the debris that was flying in the air. I remember popping my head up to see what happened when another bang sounded and this time it threw me a few feet away from Christian. I must of hit my head because the next thing I knew I couldn't hear Christian and there was screeching sound ringing in my ear.
Our car came to a halt then I watched as Charlie got out of the car opened our door and Christian not letting me go ran into the hospital. Then thats when I started to drift off to sleep.

I woke in a private hospital room with Christian standing looking out the window.
"Baby" my voice was harsh
He turned to look at me with a smile on his face "Hey hey you ok sweetheart?"
"Yeah" even though I felt groggy and tired.
I  asked "what happened?"
He looked exhausted like he had the world on his shoulders and he didnt know where to start.
"There was a bombing at our house, someone tried to blow it up but was unsuccessful the bomb when off twice because whoever did it was an amateur and didnt know what they were dealing with"
"Oh" was all I could say what other words could I explain how in shock I was
"How you feeling baby?" Christian asked
"I'm okay the ringing in my ears has stopped and the pain is gone what happened to me?"
"Well the doctor said it would of been from the second blast, but he seems to think no real damage was done because we caught it early on. Baby that was scary I thought something was seriously wrong because your ears were bleeding and then you blacked out, you must tell me. What in the world processed you to stand up?"
"I thought it was over and I thought to myself what the hell happened"
Then I heard his phone ring
"Its Dwayne hes been calling since we got here and I told him what happened" Christian said
"Okay let me answer it.... Hello"
"Sis sis are you ok?"
"Hi yeah I'm fine nothing to worry about"
He signed as if hearing my voice was a calming affect on him
"I swear to God sis if you give me another heart attack like that again I am flying to New York myself and I will kill you myself. What in the world made you stand up? Well!"
"I was being nosey" feeling like being a smart arse
"You were WHAT!" He screamed down the phone. I had pull the phone away
"Argh my ears Dwayne"
"Sorry I forgot how stupid you are"
"I'm sorry" feeling guilty for being a smart arse
"Right just because your married doesnt mean I won't beat your stupid arse, argh will you stop taking such stupid risk I need you. Then in a whisper he said  my girls need their Aunty"
I started to cry because I knew what he meant he only had me and his daughters left we were the last of our family bloodline. "I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking I promise to never intentionally make you worry about me again. I love you Dwayne"
"I love you too now put your husband on I have a few words for him"

Then I watched Christian nod his head and repeat over and over "I know, yes but, ok, fine"
After a lengthy phone call I watched Christian slump in the chair next to my bed. My poor husband always has to cop it from my idiotic brothers.
"Come here" I moved over in the bed and tapped the space for him to lay down in
"I'm sorry for what I did I wasn't thinking"
"I know baby your brother wants extra security on you and he wants me to do a report for him everyday"
"Oh my god you will not do a report for him everyday he can get stuffed"
"Shh its okay baby I understand where he is coming from because baby I would want the same"
"By the way where is Derek?"
"I sent him home about 10 mins ago he was exhausted he will be back in 4 hours he said, he wasn't going to leave you but I told him I would stay and leave when he got here"
Feeling exhausted I said "Okay baby I'm  tired"
"Sleep" Christian went to move but I stopped him
"No lay with me please I want to feel safe in your arms"
"Ok sleep baby"
And just like that I feel asleep at his command

When I woke he was no longer there but was replaced with an angry looking older brother by the name of Derek. Okay round 3 here we go. I'm ready for him to start screaming at me. Argh

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