Lesson 16

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Lesson 16

Recently, I had to get a passport and part of getting a passport is getting a passport photo.

Photos and I don’t go well together.

My mom and I walked into the passport photo place and waited for the lady. I had done my hair nicely and was wearing some make-up so that in my picture I would look my best.

I had googled what they best things to wear in a passport photo was, so I was wearing a solid colored top like they suggested and had my hair down, because they said pulling your hair back made you look bald.  

I was ready.

I walked over to the bamboo stool they had sitting in front of a small white piece of poster board hanging on the wall.

I walked over and sat down on the stool and looked at the camera lady.

“Am I allowed to smile?” I asked

(Some places let you smile, some don’t)

She nodded so I pulled out my best model smile and looked at the camera.

“Look over that way” she said motioning to my left.

I looked over unsure of what she was having me do.

SNAP!! I heard the flash and click of the cameras shutter being released.

The camera lady turned and walked towards the desk to process the picture.

She printed it out and handed it to me.

Opened the small paper envelope and took out the pictures.

“I think she wanted you to turn your head a little, not your eyes.” My mom said

And that is the story of why my eyes are looking to the left and head looking slightly to the right in my passport photo.

Lesson Learned:

Always verify instructions when taking pictures. Because now every time I show my passport they ask “What were you looking at?”

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