Chapter Eighteen

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    Nova and Hope sat inaudibly in the kitchen. As Nova poured her a warm glass of milk, "If I'm going to eventually die being in this awful house hold. I might as well help others, and make them feel safer than I do," she gave Hope a courteous smile, handing her the cup of milk as she bundled up in her blanket.

  "I-I just don't understand who could do such a horrible thing," Hope pronounced.

  "Me neither. Preston, he was a good kid. He sure was. But the more people die, the more I start to realize that I can't do anything about it," she folded her arms, and leaned against the counter top, "I planned on doing things with my life. But none of that matters now."

  Hope felt bad for Nova, who was disappointed like everyone else, "I'm sure you'll get out....."

  "Well.... I don't know about that, but we'll see," she shrugged, "To he honest, I'll probably be the next one to die."

  "Nova!" Damian came rushing into the kitchen, "We need to gather evidence, and actually try to find the killer."

  Nova sighed, "Uh, okay."

  "Wait, you're going to leave me all alone?" Hope whimpered, making that same distressed look as she always would.

  "I'll be back. If anyone comes near you, just scream, and I'll come help you," Nova patted her back before trembling down the hallway alongside Damian.

  "So. Do you still like me?"

  "Is that why you brought me over here? To talk about our relationship?" they stopped in their tracks.

  He held both of her hands out in front of them, "Even if we don't make it. I want to know that I died, in love with an amazing girl. And most of all, I want to get out of this horrid place and be with you."

  She froze for a moment, thinking really hard, "I'd love to do that. But we can't be so sure."

"Hey, we'll find away out of this house."


"I promise."

River squeezed right past them, eyeing Damian, "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" Damian grumbled, giving him his famous glare, "Yeah, that's what I thought. Squirm away little boy."

Nova playfully punched his shoulder, "You need to stop being so mean to people. I get you think you're "bad" and all."

"Well," he wrapped his arms around her waist, "Some people are just annoying."

She examined him closely, before chuckling, "Whatever. Are we going to try to solve this or not?"
  He took a deep breath, "Yes, Come on. Tristan, River and Liberty are waiting for us back in the nursery."

  They entered the room clumsily, viewing the trio that sat near the blood stained carpet, "This is, disturbing...." Nova gulped.

  "One of us has to be the killer," Damian glared at each of them, "Now I'm going to take this notebook. And question each of you."

  River mumbled, "B-But who is going to question you?"

  He folded his arms, "Tristan, you can question me? And just so you know River. I am not the killer."

He gave River an intimidating stare, causing him to shrivel into a tight ball, "After the interview— which you could easily lie on, I have a better plan."

"Okay," Damian took a deep breath, "We're going to go into the arcade. Since it's a room we haven't really gone into. The rest of you stay in here, Liberty. Come on."

Liberty gulped, "Okay."

They walked into the arcade room, locking the door behind them and placing two chairs in the center of the room, "Why are you so nervous?"

"Because, people keep dying," she said defensively, "How could I not be petrified?"

He fidgeted with his fingers, before writing things down on his little blue notebook. "Where were you during each murder?"

"Alone. I believe."

He squinted his eyes, and wrote down more words, "What were you doing alone?"

"I actually prefer to be alone. Even in a house such as this one. I usually draw pictures in my room, or in the living room. Sometimes I like to make food, and write stories."

"Okay, you are free to go."

She eagerly walked out of the room, occasionally sending him glances. And Damian, didn't believe her words at all. She might've seemed innocent. But that couldn't have been the case.

"Jax, good to see you. Come on in," Jax had finally decided to join them, before entering the arcade room.

"What is this?" Jax folded his arms, "Beyonce is waiting for me outside of this dump. And these deaths are starting to freak me out, mind letting me off the hook?"

"Yeah, I'm not even going to try with you," Damian grumbled, "Next!"

He hesitated before shrugging, and skipping out of the colorful room. "River, it's your turn."

River, the more incidents, the more terrified and timid he'd become. Pretty soon, he was going to die from being utterly traumatized. "River," Damian sighed, "Where were you during all of the deaths?"

"Uh, I was with Tristan."

"Tristan? And what were you doing?" he narrowed his eyebrows, writing at a fast pace.

"Just in our room."

They must be working together. Damian thought, "River. Is there anything you'd like to say?"

"I swear! I swear! I am not the killer. First off, my stomach is very sensitive. And I cannot stand anything bloody. And I'm also very emotional. How could I stand watching people that I somewhat like die!" he gasped, before crying, "Please don't think it's me. I don't want to die."

"But was it Tristan?"

"No! He may seem bad and all. But he was always with me, during each death! He's actually a nice guy once you get to know him," he finally started to calm down, "All I ask is for you to believe me."

"Well...." he rubbed his chin, "Will you tell me about Liberty?"

  "I don't really know. S-She keeps to herself mostly.... but if she was the only person alone. She must be the killer."

   "What about Hope? She was always alone."

  "Hope wouldn't hurt a fly. As you know, she's insane. And seems to be terrified by everything.... kind of like me," he shriveled into a ball, "I think it was Liberty."

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