Chapter 8-Death is hard to deal with

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I stayed sat on the desk for a while replaying the events in my head. Oh my god. Why did he? Does he really? I mean how can he just?

Then bang!  Back to reality.

Plan B. Plan B. Plan B.

Who am I kidding I never had a plan A! But Reid thought I did. Hmm. He really thinks I know what I’m doing. Ha. I’m making this stuff up as I go.


I jumped up from the desk trying to ignore the throbbing pain from my hips. What a nob. (Mind the language but really who does that then kisses it better!) I shook the thought away and carried on. I pulled the blinds open and evaluated outside. The FBI were further away than I first thought. They were set up on the field of the school. My father wasn’t there but I could see some of he’s mates. Oliver was at the front; Oliver was my dad’s number 1 guy. Couldn’t find my dad they would go to Oliver and that was the same for me. He was like an uncle to me and my brother and he thought the world of us. He hasn’t been blessed with someone to love him yet but I know it’s only a matter of time. He was amazing and someday would make a great dad.

After Oliver were a couple of other officers. Not as many as I would have liked but I’m sure that there would be many more on the other side of the field.

The next 5 minutes were spent trying to get their attention. I tried everything I could without making noise for Reid’s lot to hear.  Anyone! At all! But NOOOO! No one was looking in this direction. To be honest even if they were it was quite away. This is hopeless and Reid or any of the other band of freaks will be coming to get me anytime now.   

Ok well Plan C haha.

I quickly ran over to sir desk pulling out paper and pen and anything I could.

I got a black marker pen and wrote


Reid Rider, Jacob Jones, Mason Jones, Harry oldsmith and James Lukeson

Phone gone, No idea of the plan but Mason on computer with Mr Hemsworth Memory stick. Sir is dead.

--- Your Pumpkin xx

I climbed on the side pining the paper up with blue tac on the window. It was high enough so if any if the criminals came in you wouldn’t see it unless you looked up. Let’s just hope someone outside see it before Reid comes in. Let’s be honest he would know before he took one step in the room.

If anyone outside saw this it would help. At least they would know who their dealing with and my dad would know who it was. Pumpkin is my nick name only he calls me it. Oliver knows this, I think most people my dad works with knows this. I’m there 24/7  so I know most of them.

I jumped down closing the blinds leaving them how they were. I got back on the desk then as on queue James came into the room. I smirked at his blood cover collar of his shirt and the very dominate bent nose.

“How’s the nose doing big guy?”  I spoke to him like he was a child. Oh this ticked him off. He growled and took a step into the room.

“Come” He grumbled.

“Na I’m good”  I spoke. Looking and  picking at my nails.

He growled once more getting closer to me.

“I said come!”

“I said na. I’m. Good. God it’s like I’m talking to myself! Jesus!”

He griped my upper arm going to pull me off the desk.

“What would Reid think to this?” I questioned giving no tone to my voice. James face went blank.

“I mean I could always go find out. I make a very convincing damsel in distress. Wanna see?” I pushed more.

James froze for a moment as if he was taking in my words. He soon pushed off me making space between us.

“Just come on” He moaned.  He had given in. I had won a argument with a killer !

“Magic word?!”

“Please....” He grumbled between his teeth.

“Better” I jumped down from desk strutting past him.

I don’t know what’s more alarming that I won or who I used to win. I used Reid as my protection and it worked. There is more to him than meets the eye.

As soon as I got out I knew something was wrong. So very very wrong.

“At least Harry got his wish boss” Mason chuckled bringing me out of the day dream.

Harry’s wish. Harry was in the other room. ALICE!

My heart beat rushed at the thought and sprung into action I ran for the other door but James was faster grabbing hold of my arm.

The adrenaline rushed though my veins as I slammed my elbow into his ribs.

I span round grabbing a pen from my pocket stabbing it deep into his leg. He howled in pain but I couldn’t care less all I needed now was to be on the other room. James fell to the floor as Reid made a leap for me.

My vision had become blurry as my pulps rate increased as I got the door not thinking twice before barging it open. The sight made me want to be sick.

Harry had his gun held high against Alice’s skull. She was on her knees tears silently falling.

 His head span round as he flashed me one of his menacing smirks and he pulled the trigger.


It all happened so fast. One minute I’m screaming the next I’m sobbing. Sobbing hard into someone’s chest. Two strong arms wrapped around my weak body and lifted me up.

Other people ran past us as they all scrambled to get into the other room.

“I said not that one!” A low growl emitted from the person’s chest as I realised who it was. Reid. But I didn’t care right now. Not at all. Alice was like a best friend and Harry ended it. Like it was nothing.

“Why!” Harry spat back

“Because I said so” Reid snarled sounding more and more like a beast. I whimpered in between my sobs into his chest causing him to hold me closer.

Harry retreated as soon as that tone left Reid’s mouth.

“Leave.... and take her (Alice’s dead body) with you”

“But where do you wh-“  Harry stuttered struggling against such an anger Reid


Harry must have left soon after that. My face never left the crock of Reid’s neck as the event that just happened replayed in my mind.

Reid sat down bringing me round so I was sat side ways on his lap.

“It’s ok. It’s going to be ok” He soothed as he stroked my hair slowly.

My sobs became quiet whimpers and I slightly pulled away from him.

 I could feel his eyes on me as I tried to control my breathing. I wasn’t gonna look at him. I can’t believe he saw me like this. At my weakness.

Two fingers pushed my chin up to meet  his blue eyes.

“You don’t have to hide it from me” He whispered pulling me tight to him. Causing me to whimper again. I cried into his chest with his arms wrapped protective around me.

For once in my life I feel safe.

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