Chapter 3-"A little Kitten has been lying"

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Just as the clock struck 9.10 Reid looked up from his watch. His timing was remarkable everything had a place and a time that is why Reid was known to be Mr. Control. But what if he lost controls, even for a second, this could be the weakness I need.

Reid quickly nodded to Jacob who grabbed 2 bags and throw one to James.

“Ok class” James tone dripping with sarcasm. “All phones in the bag. NOW!”

Everyone rushed to remove their phones. It was chaos. Bags, coats and jackets thrown around the tables as they franticly tried to retrieve them.

Jacob and James made their way down the 2 allies I bit my lip. It was like death was finally catching up with me. I knew my phone was safely in my bra, I know I know it’s not good but in this situation I’m glad I don’t listen to my mother. I pushed it further in, as I decide my next move. I need to keep this.

Alice pulled hers out straight away and looked at me with wide eyes.

“Samam- ....Sam what are you going?” She shout whispered

“If we are gonna get out of here someone needs to tell everyone what’s going on. We have what 3 hours of English, that’s 3 hours where no one suspects anything. Do you know what they can do in 3 hours Alice do you?!”  I shout whispered back.

“Sam I , you, you , just think. Sam I know you want to make you dad proud but you can’t if you’re dead!”

“Trust me....” I stopped my lips as I glanced up to Reid to see him sat at the front in the teacher’s chair. He was leaned back with his feet on the desk. However his eyes were set on me. My every move. As he court my eyes he shot me a smirk, which made me blood turn and span round on his chair going to look back at the clock.

“Phones ladies” Jacobs voice broke my eye contact.

I span to look at Jacob. His blond hair was messily spiked, his face was hard and sharp, very defined. I knew that the brothers were both 21 but Jacob didn’t like a day over 18.

“Sam!” Alice smacked me. She had already given hers and was looking at me with pleading eyes. Here goes nothing.

“I don’t have one” I spoke confidently looking him in the eye. You see I know how to lie, very well. Thanks to watching endless interviews.

Jacob was just about to speak when the door open and screaming swept the room. There stood Mason covered in blood. His shirt, his hands and his gun, all blood. But what made it worst was the thing in his hand. It was Mr Hemsworth’s memory stick which was attached to his pass that hangs or should i say hung around his neck.

“Took you long enough” James laughed throwing his already full bag of phones next to the desk.

“He was .... tricky” Mason spoke.

Crying and whimpered was heard around the classroom from many different people. Sir wasn’t the best teacher but we were all still close. I scanned the room to see my thoughts were right all the girls and some boys were crying some more than others. Alice had a small tears fall down her cheek hitting the table. I did not cry I would not cry.  Not for these criminals not for anyone. Crying shows weakness that I hate to have. I held my head up high as again I court Reid’s eyes on me. He was studying me closely. Like he was staring straight into my soul. But pulled away as he spoke.

“Mason do you wish to argue with your brother or actually work!” Reid snapped as he pushed the wheeled chair across the floor. “Well?”

“Yer sorry Boss” Mason muttered as he made his way to the computer plugging in the memory stick. I couldn’t see the stupid computer!

“Hey,hey HEY!”

I was broke from my head by Jacob

“PHONE!”  He commanded

I took a deep breath and held my nerve.

“I haven’t got one” I repeated looking deep into his eyes. Jacob studied me for what felt like forever until he spoke up.

“Come on Princess we don’t have time for this us give me your phone!”

“I don’t have one” The plain and simple answers there the best. I turned my head to the other side avoid him.

“I asked nicely, now I’m pissed! GIVE ME THE GOD DAMN PHONE!!”

Ok new approach talk until they can’t stand no more.

“How on earth can I give something I don’t have? That, my friend is physical imposable. Unless your Albert Estienne which I doubt very much. By the way you walk, talk, take orders you are anything but him, more like Shrek or that man you know him off, oh you know! Oh I love that film how could I forg- BEN! That’s it Ben of the Fantastic 4 have you ever seen it its amaz-“

“ENOUGH! Ok I believe yo-“

“What is taking so long?” Reid’s voice echoed though the classroom causing me to shiver and look at the floor.

I heard footsteps and Reid’s and Jacob’s low whispered before I felt my chin being pushed up

I came face to face the those breath taking green eyes, the perfectly defined face and beautiful brown hair.


“A little Kitten has been lying”

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