Chapter 6-"Who says I'm gonna lose"

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 Reid pointed a finger towards James and motioned for him to come which he did. He spoke low into his ear, making everyone silent. Mason was typing like a mad man probably trying to work out the texting thing again. Haha idiot!

I took the time to look around the classroom. Hardly any kids were still in this room and the ones that were wasn’t anyone I was close to. I mean yer I knew everyone, like I said I got on with everyone but you know. Saying that even if I did it’s not like I would just start a convo anytime soon. There is about 1 maybe 2 people on the row which makes about 8 of us. We were a small class anyway. I smirked to myself seeing the high school (mind the language) but all round bitch sat looking down on the floor, not so loud now. Ha. Apart from that there were a couple of nerds (nice kids), Dan (the head of the football team) yum yum and his crew. Oh and like 3 other girls which I know as Lucy, Minnie and Jackie. All looked terrified, were still sat in perfect silence and were avoid eye contact.
I wondered what was happening in the other room. It had only been about 10 minutes if that since they left and I haven’t heard anything yet. We are still yet to know if it’s a good thing or what, however from what I know the fewer hostages you have the easier to control they are and for Reid that was key.

James snapped me from my head by smacking his hand on the desk.
“Jesus man you nearly gave me a heart attack. Seriously what happened to a simple click of the fingers?” I panted. Ok so I was over reacting but I really need to get under this guys skin. Even if I do run the risk of him working out who I am.
He rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm pulling me up.
“Woo, woo, woo, woo King Kong don’t man handle me!” I snapped as he dragged me though the classroom towards Mr Hemsworth’s office. Just then did I realise that Reid had gone. Poof. How does that man do this!?
“Yo get your cave man hands off me!” I shirked once more pulling back against him. But he just carried on pulling me in. I wasn’t weak don’t get me wrong I can kick some serious ass when someone pushes my buttons and this guy is really pissing me off.
“I swear to god you ape get off me before I make you!”
He chuckled as my comment which angered me even more.

He pushed the door open pushing me in with him, that’s it shows over. I pulled back for less than a second to have him at my mercy. Kicking hard into the back of his knee caused him to fall onto the floor but he still had a tight grip on me. I used this to my advanced twisting his arm to have it behind his back, while my other hand got a tight grip in hair smacking his head down on the floor hard. Broken nose for sure. Haha.
“I warned you, Barbie” I snap twisting more causing him to whimper under my hands.

A steady clap caused my head to shoot up. There stood Reid leaning slightly against the desk. His gun was held limply in his left hand while he clapped against it. His jeans hung lower than before showing a part of a tattoo on his hip, but I couldn’t make it out. His hair was messier than before and looked like he had run his hands though it. I closed my eyes at the thought of running my hands in it pulling slightly as he bit my lip. Damn hormones!

“Very impressive” He spoke as his eyes wondered over the position I was in. Great idea to wear a skirt today Sam just great.
“Although I am quite enjoying you beating up James in that.... position” He paused as if he got carried away in his thoughts. But he soon caught it back.
“I must ask you to get off him” He smirked still looking at the situation my body was in. The words finally sunk in. Ha there is no way I am getting off him, I have leeway here I aren’t losing it that easy. I met his eyes once more pulling and twisting on James more with a sweet smile.
“Kitten. I asked nicely now I must insist.” At the view of me not letting go anytime soon he raised the gun like it was nothing. He held it so loosely unlike the other guys.
“Kitten” He spoke in a deep, demanding tone causing me to close my eyes and bite my lip. I swear to god I heard him growl/moan but it was so brief and silent I couldn’t be sure.
Reticently I pushed once more on James before removing myself from him and stepping to the side. Reid was still watching me intensely as James slowly stumbled up. He was holding his, what I think to be, broken nose and slowly rotating his wrist.

James took a step towards me raising his hand.
“You bitc-“
“ENOUGH!” Reid’s voice echoed though the room causing James to freeze in his actions. His tone was dangerously low, very aggressive and if I didn’t know any better I would say it was possessive? James looked more taken back than me from Reid’s sudden outburst. This is Reid Rider, he doesn’t have emotions never mind lashing out for the well being of a person, a hostage, in fact his hostage!                   
“You. May. Go James.” Reid spoke slowly as he breathing became ragged.

James obeyed immediately slamming the door shut .Reid was beyond mad right now. I watched his face as he took in a deep breath, closing his eyes and slowly releasing it. He repeated this 4 times but it wasn’t doing anything. Oh screw this I’m not waiting for him. I slowly walked over to him so we were about an arm’s length away from each other.

“Are you ok?” I spoke confidently reaching over to place my hand on the top of his arm. He flinched at the touch but relaxed into my hand soon after. He’s eyes slowly opened looking dead into mine. They were pitch black at first but soon softened and after he blinked turned back to green.
“Ye-yes.” He stuttered. Oh my god Reid Rider STUTTERED!
I pulled away from him walking towards the door.
“Good looks like I’ll be off then.” Confidences is key, confidence is key kept replaying in my head on a constant loop.
“NO!” He snapped again.
“I wish for you to stay, come” I span to face him seeing him pointing to a spot in front of him where he leaned on the desk once more.
I was taken back by his sudden change in emotion and raised an eyebrow at his command.
“Come here” Only to avoid a sudden outburst again I did as I was told.
“Good girl”
Woof woof” I sarcastically responded looking him in the eye again. I don’t know where the confidence came from but I am not getting rid of it anytime soon. He chuckled at my comment.

“I think you have being lying to me again” He watched me like a hawk, studying me closely.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about” I spoke innocently. Fluttering my eyelashes at the same time. Again he chuckled.
In a flash he had me up on the desk with him between my legs. I griped onto his upper arm to steady myself at the sudden action while he had a tight grip on my waist. My heart rate shot up as he closed in on my neck again speaking into it.
“The innocent act won’t work on me kitten. Now are you sure there isn’t anything you want to tell me.” He leaned back looking deep into my eyes. He was still very close. So close I could feel his breath on my lips.
“No” I whispered near enough against his lips
“Don’t play this game Kitten. You will lose” He whispered back brushing against my lips with his.
I was about to answer when Mason came busting in

“Reid there’s something you need to see!” He panted running to open the curtains slightly. Neither of us moved just moved our heads.
I smiled at the sight. There stood the FBI and right at the front my father.
My head shot back to met Reid’s eyes on me.
“Who says I’m gonna lose”

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