Chapter 10- Phone call

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 Sam POV

I found myself being thrown into the teacher chair at the front of the classroom. Reid pointed at me and gave me ‘the look’ as in a warning (Don’t move). I questioned if I should but ended up staying. Their gonna find out whether I’m here or not.

 As Mason turned the phone on and plugged it into the computer my brain was on over drive, thinking of excuses. ‘That my boyfriend’ ‘Its not who you are thinking of’ ‘What?’...... Nothing would work. I’m screwed.

 Everyone was here Jacob, Mason, James and Harry. Harry, his name sickens me. He turns when he feels my look and we link eyes. No mercy leaves his face, in fact all I see is, is, pride? My fists tighten as he blows me a kiss before smirking. That’s it. Just as I was about to jump up a hand is placed firmly but almost in a comforting way. I whip my head back to meet Reid glaring at Harry. That’s a death glare and half! Harry retreats with this hanging his head down in surrender.

 I smirk at him knowing I have the upper hand causing him to stomp off to the other side of the room.

 “Now kitten, don’t get cocky” I jump at Reid’s voice humming in my ear, his hot breath almost tickling the skin.

 I choose not to answer, he was gonna get angry when they turn my phone on, let’s not add to my death tolls shall we.

 He chuckled at me before turning back to Mason.

 “Nearly there yet?” He questioned though it was said in a disapproving tone.

 Mason went to speak but was cut off by a ring. Ring, ring, ring.

 “The office phone!” The words flew out of my mouth before I could plan it out.

 Reid stood for a second before walking that way not before being chased by James.

 (Reid POV )

 I wondered into the office no really rush and place a hand on the phone.

 “This wasn’t the plan” James voice echoes though the room. I turned to look at him. James, out of all the guys, he is the one I have known the longest. James is more an equal than me being his boss, but I still have upper hand. I was the one to take James in when he got out of prison, help him, and gave him a job. For that he owes me. However I have come to see him more as a friend than anything else.

 “I know but Plan A is gone, Plan B, too so now I’m working on Plan C” I say half amused the phone had stopped ringing now but they would ring back.

 “Reid. That girl, she’s getting in the way” He said with a dead face.

 My eyes locked with his.

 “Reid you’re letting her in! I have never known you do that, ever. It’s because of her that we have no plan. Because of her I’m bloody injured and because of her I’ve seen you show any emotion ever! So tell me what it with HER?!”

 For the first time ever I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t have the answers. Samantha just. She’s just, Perfe-

 Ring, ring ,ring.

 I lift the phone quickly avoiding the things in my head.

“Hello” I said slowly with a cocky tone. James gave me a questioning look but sat silently on the desk next to me.

 “Reid Rider. This is George Edwards FBI”  

 “Oh Mr Edwards, lovely to hear from you.” James eyes flew up. He was the one who put him away, well him and his girl.

 “Reid, I’m gonna be blunt here because I know how deep you are already” I heard many voices on the other end arguing on his approach.

 “Deep I am? Tell me George how deep am I?” James had panic written all over his face, I too felt the tension.

 “I know  Mr Hemsworth is dead. Plus after the second shot I guess another is too.” Shock hit me hard. How the hell did he know the damn teacher is dead?

 I calmed my tone before answering

 “And were might you have got this information?”

 I heard George falter obviously not knowing how to answer. James shot up, well as well as he could with his injures, before shaking his phone in the air.

 The phone, the text, Samantha.

 “I can tell you Mr Edwards I have taken the phone. She was a brave girl you know.”

 “Was? Reid what have you done?” There it was. His tone shifted very quickly to a panic and pain.

 “Oh nothing, yet. I am quite fond of the girl, got a fight in her” Georges sigh was loud and relief hit him. He wasn’t hard to read. What was it about Sam that has everyone so worked up?!What is she a war hero or something!?

 James gave me the signal to give the shock factor.

 “Oh and George please give my deepest apologies to Alice’s parents. A terrible accident”

 James smirked at me knowing we had finally got ahead.

 “Ok scum bag what the hell do you want!?” Anger, all anger

 “I will have to get bac-“

My words were cut off by a commotion next door. Screams, shouts and bangs filled the silent room.

 James ran out the room, leaving me at ease until his voice then broke their noise.


 “SAMANTHA!” I shouted throwing the phone on the holder. Silence filled the air once more as I made my way out.

 The room was a frozen chaos. My guys scattered around the room, James on the floor holding his gun and Harry across the table gripping his fingers in pain. Most of the kids had made their way to the locked door and Jacob had one over his shoulder and one under his foot.

 And there dead central was Samantha ,blood coming down from her lip and her smashed phone in her hand holding it above her head for the final blow.

 Everyone eyes on me but mine only on Sam. It was pretty clear what had gone on, especially knowing her.

 “Don’t. You. Dare.” I threatened taking a step towards Sam.

 She smirked at me before screaming

 “I dare bitch!”

 George Edwards POV

 “SAMANTHA!” Reid shouted before the phone went dead. Tears filled my eyes as I too threw the phone down other agents looked away as I slammed outside of the van.

 Sitting on the step I breathed in the air staring at the window of the school. I felt so helpless, I couldn’t help my little girl, my family. I felt a presents next to me and a hand over my shoulder.

 “We’ll get her back George.”  Oliver (Number 1 guy) said trying to comfort me.

 “We’ll get her.” I whispered to myself more than anyone.

 Sam hold on.

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